twenty eight.

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"Is that why you are anxious?" Louis asks, placing a plastic cup of mint tea on the table and keeping one around his fingers.

"Not that anxious, but yeah," Iman breathes out, rubbing her palms together and smiling.

"Aw well, isn't that cute?" He teases, taking a slow sip from his tea and relaxing on the chair.

There is a packet of cigarette, lighter and a bunch of keys stowed away next to his wallet. It is a not so busy day in the library, and it is a perfect time to chat. Harry is not able to be in today, due to a rise in temperature and regress in his persistent fever. Today is also Iman's date with Chad, but that happens much later in the evening.

"Stop. I need your advice on this," Iman hisses, rolling her eyes.

"Leeyum....Leeyum!" They are interrupted by Aidan's harsh groans, standing by the door and waiting for Liam to take him home. The stuffed elephant clutched close, backpack secured and a juice box held in his other hand, as well as his usual impatient frown.

"Jesus, this child is still here," Louis breathes, narrowing his eyes on the tea.

"Shh, he is sweet and he also asked about Harry today," Iman smiles, sipping from her tea.

"His long lost brother, but this one needs more help." He murmurs, looking back at Aidan and studying his shaky mannerisms.

Liam sighs, walking towards them and deciding to stand next to their table. He is tired, exhausted and restless. Handling his final year in university and working with Aidan is not easy, but the pay makes it worthy.

"Time to take Aidan home, since his dumbass of a brother will not help," Liam rolls his eyes.

"Oh, he has a brother?" Iman smiles.

"Yep, an older brother that does not exactly love to be associated with his Autistic brother, and yeah his mum feels I am a better person," Liam smirks, clearly trying to annoy Louis.

"You are a learning assistant, chill it down." Louis rolls his eyes, folding his arms.

"Yeah but like you cannot deny Aidan is improving, I mean well I spend time with him and I notice his little improvements. He is attached to his mum, and it took him a while to start warming up to people, now he is part of our comic club and -"

"Hold up! Our? Okay Rapunzel, I started the idea of a comic club, back off," Louis hisses, taking the piss out of Liam's lowly cut hair.

"Yes okay, but Aidan is slowly learning how to interact, even though he is still in love with his room and stuffed elephant." Liam sighs, giving a small smile.

"I am proud of you. Keep up the great work Liam!" Iman cheers him on.

"Don't fall in love with him, like someone did with the person she assists," Louis chuckles, taking a sip from his tea.

"Love? Okay now, chill," Iman giggles, nervously.

" needing to go ah!" Aidan calls out, frowning at them.

"Aidan is needing to shut the heck up ah!" Louis says back, frowning at him.

"Ah! Ah!" Aidan walks as fast as possible to Liam's side and starts tapping him before pointing at Louis.

"Ruuuuuuude! Tell...tell him off!" He squeaks, and Liam nods with a sigh.

"Okay now, time to go home Aidan. We have so many equations to solve, from quadratic to algebraic, don't you just love math?" Liam cheers, giving a smile.

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