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"Like the Sun and Moon make way for each other to rise,
When you shine, I shine,
When you are dull, I will be dull"- Iman Doyle, Yellow.


It's been a day since Iman and Harry kissed, and the two of them cannot simply fathom how amazing they still respectively feel about it. The electric vibe pulsated through them as their lips pressed against each other, and it almost felt like this is something that has been meaning to happening between them.

In the brief moment of trying to get a first kiss, they have somehow fallen deeper for each other and cannot seem to come to terms with that, especially Harry. This is not how he wants to move on to another person, especially a person like Iman, and he hopes nothing really happens between them, except Chad leaves the picture.

The moment was indeed cut short by the abrupt and somewhat dramatic entrance of Zayn, who did not stop giggling and throwing jabs at the two people until Iman had to go home. For him, it was not really shocking because he knows that Harry and Iman hold feelings for each other, but it was interesting to see how quick it has blossomed and how comfortable Harry was holding his arms around her broad hips.

Nothing comes out from Harry, no matter how persuasive and persistent Zayn got to his questions about the kiss and it stayed that way. Harry does not enjoy talking about personal life or anything personal except he sees it as very important or a matter of life and death. He does not understand why he should discuss an intimate moment with someone else, and he is not ready to understand why.

Iman on the other hand, went home smiling all through and feeling herself float as she walked into her room. There was a concerned expression etched on her mother's face as she kept humming and swaying like a girl in a classic Disney movie, but she stayed silent. Daya repeatedly cocked her eyebrows and tried to get something out of her but nothing happened.

It is the next day at the library, and Harry is a bit quiet, not withdrawn or upset, but just quiet. He knows Iman is comfortable around him, and he is really happy about that. In fact, he has clung onto her almost throughout the afternoon, and he is not willing to step aside because she is yet to talk about the date, and he is curious to know if the person was nice.

"Harry," Iman pauses and frowns at him, wondering what is wrong. "Harry, what are you staring at and why does it have all your attention?"

There is no response from him. He is busy blinking to himself and firming hooking his arm around her, tracing the patterns on her Aztec print top with his eyes.

"Your printed top smart one, can't you see how lost he looks? Keep up Iman," Louis nudges her from the side, picking up some comics and walking to the other side of the room.

"Okay, I get it. Alright Harry, we should sit down and talk remember? I have some pictures to show you as well, my outfit and the food," she slowly waves a hand in front of his face and he pauses, staring at her slender fingers and smiling to himself in awe.

"He is being so quiet today, Louis," Iman smiles at him.

"The summer is hot in July and winter is cold in December, tell me something I don't know," another remark from Louis and she finds herself rolling her eyes, and shaking her head.

"I just don't want to upset him or anything, shut up Louis, really shut up," Iman hisses and slowly pushes some of his hair back, making him wince a bit at her touch and immediately clear his throat.

"Okay... okay.... okay... sit down... .sit down yes, please," Harry finally speaks, his voice a bit tired and raspy from his throat.

Iman smiles in happiness and leads him to sit down in the corner, by the window. They sit next to each other and Harry immediately curls up, bringing his cheek to rest on her shoulder and securing his arm linked around hers. This is very comfortable and he really likes this. A bit of his soft hair tickles against her skin and she giggles a bit at how it feels.

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