he asked like he cared

1 0 0

don't ask if you don't care

don't say you will be there

i have issues that i can't explain

i'm sick of masking every feeling g i have away

sometimes i drive by

sometimes i think of driving in the lake

i don't have a steady mind

i like you, i'm sorry i didn't mean it that way

not in the way you'd think

i wish i could just blink my mind away

i don't understand why you asked me what my favorite flower was

if you never instead to give me those anyway

just go

please just go away

i'm sick of my block list being so long

guess i made a huge mistake

guess i keep making assumptions to stay sane

it was supposed to be a good day

i wonder what you're up to anyway

why you can't text back or if you forgot my existence

why reassure me to never assure me again?

i showed you special things

you did not even deserve them

man you make my eye twitch

get a load of this

i'm writing this on the bathroom toilet

hiding from my responsibilities because i got paid from 3-8

i really just want to stop this

i really want this to stop happening to me

but i don't understand what it is

i was told i was good

i was told i was good

i guess unique isn't really a good thing

i admire honestly

but look at where that gets me

felt no need to lie but

i guess even the guys who tell the truth still lie

what a life

what a fucking life

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