rain in my heart

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you're not in love anymore
when the love dies
and you don't call me bubs anymore
and you don't remember what we used to do
you don't remember what you used to say
when love fades away

each and every year
it's growing inside me i fear
i'm afraid of
every year being the same

i shouted at the steering wheel

what's the point, moon?
what's the point, God?
what's the point, universe?

what's the point, you?

can't escape from the sound of the rain just like sinatra played

it's pitiful
one sip of liquor to dance in my mind
one little taste and i'm dreaming of a life of love again

it's so sickening and silly
like a laufey song
but i'm not that lighthearted or cute
i mean hell, i'm adorable- but not when i'm punching the steering wheel again

just like that guy who taught me

ah, but he used to punch trees
bloody knuckles had never been so attractive to me

every person who learns me
every person who truly knows me

it's comforting
it's like trazodone
hurts way more than hydroxyzine
vyvanse will make me pretty again
bupropion will make me sane
i murdered the lexapro

somehow, someway

nat king cole said it best

when i fall in love, it'll be forever


i'll never fall in love at all

God i'm so dramatic, but please listen

i've been empty and low on hope for four years
i haven't felt that feeling
that real feeling
the purest aspect of love
the kind that has no intention
has nothing behind it
nothing to do with your body
nothing to do with your faults

and everything to do with
the look of the boy
that i hung the moon for

that look
i will wait for.

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