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this one requires marijuana

i'll smoke it later don't worry

i did mean to unfollow you

why would i "follow" someone who

doesn't know which pussy to choose

oh, decadence

oh, sweetness!

he shouts

they all lack common sense

the gruesome men

make me sick

i don't care about what the question is

i just feel like you lost me at

just be friends

you didn't say it like that but i know this is where it ends

you men make me sick

because you see a girl time and time again

you won't meet a girl like me

but i'll meet one thousand men who walk like you, talk like you, bathe like you, stank like you

you don't deserve the women who

you fool

because if i were the right type of slut

i would be more than enough

my bad i didn't mean to call your bluff

the truth is rough

but he said the same shit to me

i hope you get what you want

not love

i hope you get what you want

not. love.

it's not something you speak of

i hope in every squirting paradise you find loneliness every night she leaves

and you're alone again

on facetime with a million little clones of them

they look like her

they taste like her

but. they. ain't. like. her.

i'll make you believe you hurt my feelings

maybe you did if i felt them

but what could've been is the only what if that i developed

i don't even think i like you at all

so what are you smiling for?

you know i'm different

still i adore the way my differences don't matter

because love is thicker than grey matter

you boys aren't men anymore

you boys aren't men anymore

still i adore


still i adore

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