revenge fantasy

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maybe i'm sad for no reason again
happiness came
then it went

got a little too happy
guess my pockets are spent

only temporary highs get my by
while i try
to disguise the turmoil
for lies

i am not alright
i don't like using the word i too often
because this isn't about me is it?

it's about him and his stupid brown coat
i should've slit his throat
let him live
let him live

i'm not a killer
i just know what pain is

he slit my throat over and over
he punched my insides
he took me for all that i had
and still dragged my lifeless body through glass

he wanted everything and more
and my body couldn't be more sure
that he didn't belong with me

i hope he grieves horribly
i hope my absence grows like an empty hole in his chest

i hope i am the breath before his death
the call before he gives it all a rest
give it your best

i'm not calling you from beyond the grave
i never really needed you to explain
you give and you gave no reasons to stay

you made me want to die
you made me this way

i do hate you
i do

i hope you feel what i feel
i hope you feel it right now

this emptiness
this loss
this grievance
this hole
this hold on my chest

i hope you get nightmares next
i say this with my living breath
i hope you get nightmares next

i hope you get nightmares next

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