toy story

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toy story

you are not her savior
she is safe with me
watching her childhood favorite
toy story

she is safe in my arms
doing innocent, kind, harmless things
she is safe in my care
i kept her apart from you
you do not deserve to be there

she's safe with me
she can sleep peacefully
though there will always be bad dreams
at least you cannot hurt her past these

i gave her my love
i gave her my life
i gave her my words
you can wait for her fall
but i recused her from the very depths you could not reach

i wiped her tears
i filled her heart with glee

on the days you promised her a better life
and sat and did nothing

i worked on a plan
i worked on a way to set her aside from you

she deserves to know that a man loved her
the son of man

this is the most important man in her life
now that you are gone
she can see this wonderful sight

that i have always been with her
i have always worked through her
i have always made my way

i will protect her better than any man can

now that she has felt my peace
now that she has seen real love

it may hurt her in a dream
but soon
she will find another thing to dream of

she will cry over scraped knees and spilled milk
not deception and cheating
lying or grieving

she will cry for little
and rejoice for much

her life will be filled with passion bursting at the seams

she has suffered enough
and has always ran back to me

she has learned the lesson of the wise
she has seen
she has seen

now i will reward the wise
and punish the wicked
for all of their highs
and all of their crimes

she has suffered good
she will live better

because she has suffered with me
every time

i have put an end to her suffering

she's suffered well
though there will be more suffering

a year of light and love

a year of positivity

a year of living with me

finally she cannot be blinded by temptation

finally she has my eyes

and she deserves diamonds
and sunshine

for all the days
she has cried

she will spend more smiling
for the rest of her life

she has suffered well

she will dwell
in my eyes

she is safe here
she will always be safe here

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