dreamers never die

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dreamers never die
but so have i
i too have cried
out to the moon
i have a dream or two
my jiminy cricket leaves
each time i forget about such hopeful things
anytime i give into being
instead of doing
instead of believing
as silly as it seems
the more serious i become
the less and less i dream
and i don't want to choose between
and my childhood
i live in the space between
i hope that there is still room for me
that my childlike self isn't mad at me
for forgetting the little star like beams
that shine in my heart
that glow when it's dark
that sees the world not for what it has been
but for all the things it can be
that i don't hold grudges against humanity
for being unkind
when i

i love to dream
i will never take away that piece
i will be loved gently
i will be understood
i will fulfill

because these sparkly blue beams
have been shining in my heart
since sixteen
when my dreams were crushed
i remembered jiminy
he still hangs around

my eyes fill with happy tears
i am young and old beyond my years
dreams are for everyone
and i will never give up

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