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i know i do it for you
i know i make you feel good
i know you think i'm smart and i'm pretty and i'm all these wonderful things

but nobody ever said much about what i think

think of you?

impossible to speak
i think you knew
when you first met me
it was like at first meet
talked to you and you were unique
the one i wished to seek
i hate rhyming for the meek
i also hate you catching me weak
but fuck you look and sound better than you think
you make me want to come to you and see
if all the hype is worth what i think
and i think
you are beautiful
but i'm so shy to admit
i'm not in love or anything
not yet
but don't you know how rare this is?
ah, i don't know maybe not rare enough...
but i find you so interesting
so, it's good to love

i tell myself when i find it hard to breathe

it's good to love

is that what this means?

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