the good kind

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i'm not supposed to be here yet

again i guess i don't know where you went

i try not to think about it too much

i used to drink about it too much


i'm rounding the bend

and now i see this for what it is

it was my delusion

i was completely infatuated with the idea of what could've been


it already was

you swooned me

you wooed me

you did something to my little beating thing

confusing wasn't what it was

it was sure

i was certain it was you

i didn't care where you came from or what you were to do

I fell head over heels for someone who

knew they couldn't have me

but still they lived in their delusions too

if only

we are as poetic and dramatic as can be

the intentions never even mattered to me

i just liked they way you would think

it made me excited like a kid again

still i'm waiting for someone to give me this feeling again

when i can't find it

i think of way back when

i was in a relationship with my delusions

everything was uncertain

nothing was real

but oh

do you know the way you made me feel?

i won't forget it

it was inspiring enough to make me remember why writers write at all

the story you sold

has been told

by the likeness of poe

my eyes are doe

when i look into yours

you turned me soft, you turned me rose

and i suppose

i should thank you for this

you brought back something from within my soul

that i thought had turned cold

you brought back warmth

that felt like inhaling sweet delusion

when i breathed in your cologne

if only

oh i hope you know

i still think of you

my eyes still get stars in them at times

i know it's silly and not logical to live in the past

but if we made good memories who should stop me from reliving those?

you remind me of an old soul

like billie holiday
like blue moon
like la vie en rose
like trumpets and swing music
a sultry playful piano playing in the backroom

while i hold you
and you hold me

i still hear you in my mind
you're still beautiful in my eyes

for what it's worth
you got what i rarely give

my affection is something worked for
my care and respect is something i have to give out to a deserving hand

let me show this man
what it is like


i told you i'm not supposed to be here

what if i was?

turn my heart to mush
flip my heart upside down

turn my world inside out
the look in your eyes from the skylight
the way you light up my midnights

it's like
you're the moon itself
i could bathe in your touch

what the actual fuck
i'm not supposed to be here

but what if i was?

this is the sweetest delusion
this man has
he has a hold on my heart

it's just outside of his grasp
but he'll pull me closer
string by string
just to see his smile
is just as good as seeing him mad

i like his entire face
and all the emotions he does or doesn't have for me

i don't care

he's not there anymore
but imagine if he was
if he walked right through that door and looked me in my eyes

he could make my heart stop with the bat of an eye
i dunno if he notices
but every time he's close to me
my breath is taken from me

his sweet
is always sweet to me

and there you go

i hate your face
because it's a face that takes my breath away

you still have the same stupid effect on me

how could that be?

please explain

it's not my flesh or anything

my soul lingers there

right in that place we were once

imagine if we stayed at the start

i would've loved to dwell in your art

but i have to calm down

i can always feel you coming

i knew i should've done something else with my lunch

nah, gotta spend time to write about my favorite type of guy

you know the kind

he gave and still gives me



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