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let it go
it's okay

let it go?
it's okay?

yes, let it go
it's done
it's gone

and that is a beautiful thing
trust me

loving you is a gateway drug
i can only love you when it's not love
when i become
the influence of
a moment
a memory
a lie
a deception

i don't believe we were ever meant to be
and all of my scars are left peeling
so i found a moment of healing
that may not seem like that at all

he knows me
he knows how to find me

he finds me in my depths
some days i get low
i want to die
i get depressed

he finds me
in the darkness

it's sad
because he shouldn't have to look so far for me

but i can often ignore my actions
until my life is crumbling
it is


i'm on a roadway straight to hell

i pray everyday
but i feel like nobody hears me

but God heard me

he tests me

and i never fail

who will i choose?

HIM or hymn?

HIM or he?

HIM or me?

i surrender it all

every single thing

i need prayer
i need rebuking

i need love
i need offering

i need becoming
i need joy
i need God

i need him
not me

i need him not he
i need him

i need HIM

i know
i want to hate myself for my actions
but he knew how to help me

he knew my heart
he knew the weak spots
he knew how to get me

i felt nothing
God still protects me

i'm not crazy

i'm just hurt
he will heal it

i promise you


i am not broken.
i am not broken..

i am not stupid
i am not a slut
i am not fat
i am not ugly
i am not unloveable
i am not crazy
i am not less than

i am God's child first

i didn't forget
i won't forget
i will never forget

trial by trial

i will never forget

i will never forget how he saved me once

he will save me again

he will save me again

he hears me

he hears the cry of the weak
and the call of the meek
my tears are not in vain
and forever

i will call out his name

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