i will take care of her now

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i really don't like you
i hope you know i mean these words
perhaps these are meant for kay but wrote by me
i don't like bad guys
and sometimes i think
i am a bad guy
because i have no remorse for this who have sucked the love and kindness from her eyes and replaced it with trauma and misery and despise i hated that look in her eye
i'm so glad she survived

you really tried
to take her heart and soul
but you should know
hatred always falls short of love

and i was strong then, and stronger now

i won't forget how
you acted as if i don't exist
well watch this
feel this
feel what i felt
it was caused by you, not anyone else
you baited me and left me out
you lied to me and lied about
all the things you had done
shame on you
shame on you

and you don't deserve A WORD
how could anyone hurt
how could anyone hurt her
you are so pathetic
you are nothing
you are a monster
and what's worse
she is so sweet and kind
she tried with all her might
to love the untouchable man
that only drinks monaco's
and only comes out at night
that doesn't care about anyone
or anything inside
he's lonely

when he cries
you can hear the twelve year old child
that never got to grow

i tried to love you though
i tried to love you both

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