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there once was a man who taught me more
the way his hands curved in composition
to convey a feeling i would soon woe
and speak like him
his words are dark
and dim
he wrote nightmares into reality
filling pages with monsters and screams that could leap from their seams
the pages crisp and old
like the best tell-tale story you've ever told
like a million years of art
cheaply sold
i send my deepest appreciation
to poe

whimsically so
this poem is dedicated to both
him and hymn
so sweet and kind the melody danced in my mind

my last hurrah
on that stage
where i laid my doubts
my efforts
my soul tied endeavors
all within a hopeful tone

and so

I compared myself to a flightless bird.
I could not find myself in his words
I saw the reflection of my past through glass painted eyes
Eyes that held nothing inside
And so on a whim, a dream, a hope, a thoughtless fantasy
I took my definition of free
And smashed it
And let the water sink me
And all of my lovely little beliefs
To many, they are just silly little insignificant things
It is just words
It is just song
It is just spring

In comes
The thing
That I presumed that would bring life
To my ever dying seeds

I made a crucial mistake
I replaced my wings
With chains
And let him capture me

He burned sorrows into my leaves
And he spoke poison over my tiny little dreams
He brought chaos out of me
A woman he saw
Worth testing

"If she would be so kind
To lie down her entire life
Perhaps there is more
More I can receive."

I die like I always do
Every single word was meant to leave me suffering
There wasn't a moment worth giving in
He saw me as a flightless bird
He found me
And he took me in
He chained me to his heart
Not to keep me safe
But so I could never remember what freedom is
My tiny little dreams
My tiny broken wings
Tilting my chin
With a grin
While his glassy black eyes
Held nothing but lies and sin
But within
The most beautiful eyes he'd ever peered in
I held nothing but sadness
Or so he saw it

A laugh
A taunting grin
Staring down
At the very cage he'd trapped me in
Instructing me
"Show me your wings."

So I give and I give
Whatever he thinks freedom is
I give the gravel under my feet
And the blood under my skin
I give the love and tenderness
Of a mother
That could never love
I give the authority and passion
Of a father
That could never stay
I give the touch of a sinner
I give the words full of hate
But on a good day
A day
When those glassy tar eyes
Fill with life
You set me free
With each word you failed to speak
I became the cage
The key
The flightless bird
Everything you told me I could and could not be
And in this memory reservoir I found tragedy
And euphoric peace
I remembered
Those tiny little insignificant things

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