love has died

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in your eyes

love has died

in his arms

lust has died

i feel no option

i feel no inclination

i just want to be better

but i don't know how to say it

too sensitive for the world

too much to handle

an uncontrolled girl

i don't know what kind of person i am

or what it makes me

but i do know that i don't like the direction we're heading

the poison has already got me but I found a remedy

but you don't believe me

so you keep poisoning yourself

as if it would help

while i plead to a God he forgets to pray to

and most of all

i pray that God finds you

and keeps you safe in his watch

i pray that God will be everything we humans cannot

i just want to be in an environment that's safe and secure

like i want to be sure that we will be okay

but some days

i wait and i wait

to feel nothing at all

not when you kiss me not when you hug me not when you miss me not when you love me

your soul feels half empty

i can see you've lost interest in me

and it makes me feel unseen

i just want to be happy

but it feels like happiness is something you do not see in me

i have these problems and it seems they bother you, but they bother me more to inconvenience other people for my lack of neurotypicality

big word for neuro adjacent

a brain made different

a brain that wanders and overthinks

a brain paranoid and cannot sleep

just a brain overwhelming me

i see you get used and tossed over so many times

like a child gone wild

unwanted looking for somewhere to hide

it's okay to say that it hurts

it's okay to feel upset inside

but i never thought you'd choose to push me away

i always wanted to help you

i only wanted you to change

change for the better

be better

do better

so we can be happy together

but writing my feelings never seems to come across right

I go to sleep crying just so i don't have to bother you

it's funny

because you hate feeling like a bother too

that feeling when it feels like that person could care less if you stayed, left, or never talked again

that feeling when it's like "nothing I say matters"

"my words don't matter" is the feeling i get

someone told me once that they did

so in your face

you'll never be able to make me change

i will never shut up

i cannot minimize myself to love you

i am a good caring person

and you don't deserve me

you deserve people like them

that only know how to drink, dance and party

you just lose all sight of what's in front of you

when the world is blinding you

this is not what God would want

and you should know that

God would never approve of this kind of living

you're surrounded by poison.

there's poison everywhere

i am trying so hard to save you

but you just keep slipping away

blinded by other things you think you need

when the only thing you really ever needed

was love

so i try to love you even when you don't want it

i try to love you even though I can see you're blinded by the world

i am only interested in being a Godly kind of girl

I want you to know that I'm sorry if I leave you

and I want you to know

that you should never treat anyone else the way you treated me

you string people in so easily

you're a lonely soul

and you suck the life out of people that only want to give you grace

you're greedy

you steal, kill, and break

you destroy people

but apparently I do too

but funnily enough

i've only heard that from you

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