dead fish

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"i tried to be so kind." -he said.

so kind as to threaten me with your life?

while you play with my mind

and mine?

you hopped online for a few

almost called the cops for you

but you knew

just like i do

that you don't want to die

you just want me to cry

you just want to make me sad

that's all that is

narcissistic abuse

is now what i call you

you give me nightmares

you make me wish they'd disappear

you scare me now

and i wonder how

things became so strange

i used to calm you with the tone of my voice

you only pretended to calm me

you didn't care about me

not actually

the idea of this is

haunting me

you want to control the control freak

you will never out control me

i control the plot

ever since i turned seventeen

i learned how to cave and rot

my control looked like numbers untold

that meant life or death

your control is with other people's minds

and not mine

not anymore

i can't wear rose colored glasses anymore

it will be a sad ending

the final death

i would've loved to love you

but your love isn't real

you're flawed

you don't have empathy

you don't have emotions

you fake them

and it's scary

sometimes i feel bad for you

but feeling bad is something we all do

so it doesn't matter if it's me who

you'll spill your sob story to

someone will fall for it

someone will take you in

some pitiful soul will love you again

i will pray for them

you don't deserve love behaving like this

i hope the guilt eats you alive

i know it hurts, doesn't it?

but i never wanted you dead

please stay alive

and watch me thrive without you

we don't need you anymore

not at all

not ever again

a dead fish could love me better than you can

i'm disgusted with you

turn your face from me

your face i never knew

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