safe spot

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i miss you today
the world could've ended yesterday
could've ended whenever
i would still miss you
because we aren't together

i think of you sometimes
when my mind traces its steps back to your car
to your voice
to sound of your slowed breathes
stuffy nose
and general pain
of losing something with someone
and then losing them in vain

we lost someone together
grieved them the same
went back to them too

you're no different from me
and i'm no different from you

still waiting for the day you can prove
that i'm just a silly delusional girl from product zone

no no

i was somebodies home
i was somebody's

and then i lost them

how i lost you
i miss you sometimes

when your song plays
i slow down
and i think of you

you feel like october
and every year
i go there
and i wait for you

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