Chapter one | Mr.thief

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"YOU ARE A FUCKING WORTHLESS WHORE!" he yelled, kicking me in the stomach harder than before.
"P-please," I managed to let out through sobs. But he kept kicking and punching, harder and harder.
I couldn't even fight back.
"You can't even talk properly, bitch." He landed another punch to my face and then left.
I was using all the little strength I had left to stand up, to run back to my room, my safe place.
I closed the door and hid under my thin pink blanket, the one Mama bought for me before she left us. After some time passed, I realized it felt more like a goodbye gift.
I couldn't move, my whole body was aching.
I didn't want him to come back and find me here.
I was scared, so scared, but it was too late now.
He was back, standing in front of me with a bottle of beer in one hand and a knife in the other.
My body began to shake uncontrollably.
"N-no," I sobbed, trying to crawl away from him. But I couldn't, my body felt numb.
He turned me onto my stomach for better access to my back.
"P-papa," I murmured, my vision blurry from tears.
"Don't fucking call me that.
It was all your fault. She couldn't handle a stupid daughter with a are nothing but a burden." I shut my eyes.
He was right. I was nothing but a disappointment.
Suddenly, he started to raise my shirt, exposing my back to him.
"N-no," I mumbled one last time before he...

I opened my eyes, breathing heavily.

It was another nightmare, more like a memory of what happened last night.

My cheeks were wet from tears.

I sat up in bed, rubbing my puffy eyes, but the tears wouldn't stop falling.

I was in pain, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand.

It was six a.m.

I removed the pink Hello Kitty blanket from my body and limped to the bathroom.

I leaned on the sink, trying to keep myself from falling, and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I was a mess.

My face was covered in bruises, and my lip had a small cut.

My eyes were red and puffy from crying.

I closed my eyes, taking some deep breaths.

"I m-miss you, m-mama," I whispered to myself.

When I opened my eyes again, my heart almost dropped.

There was an orange sticky note in the corner of my bathroom mirror.

It hadn't been there last night.

I snatched the small piece of paper.

Panic surged through me as I read the words written on it...

A little girl like you should not leave her window open at night.

I rushed back into my room, nearly tripping in the process.

My window was closed, but someone had been here, the note proved that.

But who?

I sat back on my bed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Someone had been in my room.

A thief, maybe, but I didn't have much.

I didn't even have a phone for him to steal.

Maybe a thief came in and couldn't find anything to take, so he left me that note.

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