Chapter 23

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Myleshad finally finished writing and producing. The only song I'velistened to was the one I was featured in. I could've listened to theother songs but I wanted to be surprised when the album came out. Thealbum comes out in a week and I couldn't wait. Myles had stayed thenight before, so he was still lying in bed sleeping. He hasn't hadmuch sleep lately since he's been in the studio. I headed down to thekitchen to make breakfast for myself. I needed music but Myles wassleeping. I put music on but turned it down low. I made pancakes andbacon. I made extra just in case Myles wanted some. While the baconwas frying away I decided to cut fruit. Alyssa came down to thekitchen. "Oh hey Alyssa." she didn't look like she just woke up.Actually she was dressed in her work outfit. "Hey."

"Headedto work?" I asked as I took the bacon off the frying pan. "Yeah Ihave to work all day so I'll be back tonight."

"Okay.See yah." she headed out the door, and Trampoline started playing.I started smiling and danced. I turned around while dancing to seeMyles staring at me smiling. I started blushing. "You remember theday we met?" Myles asked walking towards me. "How could Iforget?"

"Canyou dance like you did that one night?" I smiled. "Sure." Istarted twerking and he grabbed my hips. I haven't danced like thissince the night I met Myles. Trampoline ended, and I stopped dancing."Aw." he said. "I have to finish cooking." I went back to thestove to cook the pancakes. Myles hugged me from behind. "What doyou want to do today?" I asked swaying back and forth. "Absolutelynothing. All I wanna do is spend the day with you."

"Soundsgood to me. I have to get the mail after we eat, and I'll be preparedto do absolutely nothing." he nuzzled his face in my neck. Ifinished cooking and I sat down with Myles and ate. We ate insilence. Not an awkward silence but a peaceful silence, and I wascontent. I stared at Myles with admiration. He chuckled. "What?"he asked. "Nothing. I love you."

"Ilove you too baby girl." we finished eating. "Alright I'm goingdown to check the mail."

"Okay."Myles said starting to do the dishes. I unlocked my mail box once Igot downstairs and pulled out a few envelopes. Most of them weregarbage except a letter from someone. I threw the other envelopesaway and held on to the letter until I got up to my apartment. I gotback up to my apartment and Myles was out in the Jacuzzi. I was goingto join him but I needed to read this letter. I went up to my room tochange into my bathing suit. I brought the letter out to the backpatio. "What's that?" Myles asked. "A letter."


"I'mnot sure. I'm about to find out." I said ripping the envelope open.It was from my dad... I rolled my eyes. "Is it from your dad?"Myles asked. I nodded. I read silently.

HeyShayna. I know you said you didn't want to talk to me but I'm justwriting this letter to apologize. I want to apologize for everything.For killing your mother, for setting your home on fire, and lying toyou for eight years. I know I totally betrayed you when I was theonly one you had. That will kill me for the rest of my life, whichwill also be how long I'll be in here. I know you hate me right nowbut make sure Deanna, Scarlet, and Jeremiah are okay every once in awhile. They didn't do anything to betray you so it's only fair. Ijust wanted to let you know that I love you. I know you don't feelthe same but I just wanted to let you know that I love you with allmy heart and soul. I really hope you and Myles work out. Myles is areally nice guy, and he deserves such a caring person like you. Notthat you would want to but this is my address, and you can write meif you want to. If you don't ever want to talk to me ever again thisis good bye. Have a good life. Again I love you.

Iwiped away a tear, and folded the letter back up and put it to theside. Myles got out of the Jacuzzi to come hug me. "Its okay." hesaid stroking my hair. I picked up the letter, ripped it up in piecesand threw it off the patio. I wiped away the last tear. "That's itI'm done crying about him. That is the last time I'll cry about him.If I cry about him again, then tell me what I said." I saidpointing to Myles. "Okay baby girl." we just stood there in eachothers arms for a few minutes. "Come with me I know exactly what wecan do to take your mind off of things." Myles said dragging meinside. "I don't think anything can take my mind of this." hetook me up to the room. "Let me at least try." he said closing mybed room door. He started kissing my neck. I couldn't concentrate onwhat was happening right now, all I could think about was my dad'sletter. I was even recalling what he said in the letter. I could hearhim say it too. "Babe." Myles said still kissing my neck. "Huh?"I said snapping my attention towards Myles. "Just take your mindoff of it. Let me make you feel good." he said kissing my chest. Itook off my bathing suit and laid down on the bed. "You ready?"he asked pulling off his shorts. "You ask me that every time."

"WellI just want to make sure." he said smiling. His smile suddenly hadme thinking about what was going on right now, and not about my dad'sletter. He went slow knowing I would ask him to go faster. I startedmoaning. "Faster Myles!" he went faster. "Oh my god." Imoaned. "I have your attention now huh?" he said. I smiled andthrew my head back. I pulled him close, and scratched his back. Hethrusted into me harder causing me to moan louder. "You're mine."he whispered in my ear. "Only yours." I whispered back. He wentfaster. "Yes. Oh my goodness." I moaned loud where I think theneighbors could hear us. "Shh." Myles said before kissing me. Hethrusted harder. "I'm close."

"Okaybaby girl on three." I nodded. "One, two, three." my body shookand trembled. He got off of me, and fell on the bed next to me. Ibreathed heavy. "Wow."

"Iknew I would take your attention off of that letter." I smiled andpulled him close.


Kalinfell on the bed next to me. We had just got done. We held each other."Olive?" Kalin said. "Yeah?"

"Whatare we?" Kalin asked. I was afraid he'd ask that sooner or later. Isighed. "Well I was asking because I really like you, and I'd liketo take this further."

"Whatdo you mean?"

"Iwant you to be my girlfriend Olive." I wasn't afraid of commitment.I just had bad experiences with them before. Plus since Kalin has alot of fans that follow him and watch his every move, I'll be in thespotlight. I'm not sure if I was prepared to be in the spotlight justyet. "Okay."

 "Okaywhat?" Kalin asked. "Okay. I'll be your girlfriend." I wastaking a big step here but it was because I really liked Kalin.


Song: Yike In It by 99 Percent

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I've been having slight writer's block lately but don't worry. I'll be updating soon.

Got You (A Kalin and Myles Fanfiction) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now