Chapter 25

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Iwas currently going through my closet because when I get bored, Itend to go through my stuff. Myles was on his way over because thiswas his last day in town before going on tour. Heck yeah I was gonnamiss him. He's going to be gone for a few months, and I was freakingout because I have never been away from him for that long. I hadclothes and other things sprawled out on the floor. "Baby girl I'mhere." I heard Myles yell. "I'm up here." I yelled back."Whoa." he said stopping at my bedroom door. "I got bored." Isaid standing up. I stepped over things so I could hug him. He satdown on the bed. I went back to going through my closet. "Oh mygoodness." I said pulling out my guitar case. "I haven't seenthis in a while." I said unzipping the case. I pulled out my navyblue acoustic guitar. "You play guitar?" Myles asked. "I wish.I've always wanted to learn how to play, but I don't have enoughmotivation. My grandma gave this to me on my fourteenth birthday."

"You'vehad it for that long and still haven't learned how to play it?" Inodded. I put my guitar back in its case. I then pulled out somethingI haven't seen since I used it at my grandma's house. It's my PennyBoard. "You have a Penny Board and you didn't tell me?" Mylessaid sitting next to me. I laughed. "I forgot I even had it. Istill don't know how to ride it without hurting myself."

"Ican help you when I come back from tour." he said putting his armaround my shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Iknow." Myles said stroking my hair. We just sat in silence. I justwanted to stay like this forever. "How am I going to live withoutyou?" I asked Myles. "It may seem hard to imagine how its goingto be without me for a few months but we'll still have texting, phonecalls, and face time."

"Itsnot gonna be the same."

"Iknow baby girl." he said kissing the top of my head. He stood up. Igave him a confused look. "Lets go to the bed." I smiled andfollowed him to my bed. I started making out with him. Our lips movedin sync, and Myles placed his hands on my butt. I'd miss this themost. I reached under his shirt to feel his abs. I felt his erectionpoking me through his pants. I smiled and started stripping myclothes off, and he did the same as I laid down on my back. Hestarted kissing my neck, he knew that drove me absolutely insane. Hestarted sucking and biting on my neck which caused me to let out aslight moan. He pulled away and smiled at my neck. I'm guessing heleft a hickey on my neck. He finally pulled his shorts off. This timehe didn't ask if I was ready, he just entered me. For a few minutes Ilet him go at his own pace. I didn't want to rush it this timeconsidering this would be the last time for a few months. He thrustedharder which caused me to hitch my breath. He thrusted harder andharder and I dug my nails in his back. I moaned louder and louderwith each thrust. "Oh god yes!" I said pulling him closer to me."I love you." Myles said into my ear before kissing my neck. "Ilove you too." I said running my fingers through his hair. "Herelets try something new." he said before flipping me over so I wason my hands and knees. He entered me. I moaned instantly. His handsrested on my butt. He went faster and faster. He smacked my buttwhich made a loud smacking noise. I gasped. "Oh my god. I'm closeMyles." he smacked my butt again, and I released. I trembled andlet out a loud moan. "Oh my goodness." I said before collapsingon the bed. "Oh we're not done yet." Myles said smiling. I smiledand we went for a round two.

Iwas sitting in my apartment, and Myles was sitting on the couchscrolling through his Twitter feed. We just got back from lunch atChic-Fil-A. I heard a knock on my door. Myles looked at me, and I gotup lazily. Myles laughed at me. I opened the door to see Shane there."Shane hey."

"Who'sMyles? And why am I hearing that you're dating him."

"Itsnone of your business who he is. Plus who told you that?"

"Itdoesn't matter." he said pushing me out of the way. That's when Iknew it was happening. My dream was coming true. He saw Myles on thecouch. "Are you Myles?" Shane asked pointing at him. "Yeah. Whoare you?" Myles asked putting his phone away. "I'm Shane.Shayna's boyfriend." he said putting emphasis on the wordboyfriend. "Ex boyfriend! Shane you need to leave now."

"NopeI'm here to fight for you." Shane said getting ready to fightMyles. "Whoa bro I don't fight." Myles said standing up. "Wellyou are if you want Shayna."

"Noone is fighting for me! Shane you need to leave. Now!" Shane swungat Myles. "Stop!" I said stepping in between them. "Shane Iwould advise you leave or I will call the cops." he turned aroundand threw a glass on the floor. "I'll be back." Shane said beforeslamming the door. I took a deep breath. Myles started grabbing hisstuff. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I'm leaving. I don'tthink I can fight for you if I'm up against him."


"Sorry."he said before leaving. I just sat on the couch in shock, then Istarted crying. Alyssa walked in. "What just happened in here? Ijust saw Shane walk out of here, and I saw Myles walking out too."I didn't answer her. I just ran up to my room, and locked my door. Isat on my bed, pulling my knees to my chest. Alyssa knocked on mydoor. "Shayna. What happened? I'm here to talk."

"Pleasejust go away." I said crying harder. I couldn't believe it. Myleslied to me. He said he had me, and wasn't gonna let me go. Ishould've known being with my idol was too good to be true. Why isthat when I'm truly happy, it has to be ruined. I couldn't believeit.


Song: Catching Feelings by Justin Bieber

Got You (A Kalin and Myles Fanfiction) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now