Chapter 29

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Iregistered to attend my senior year at Port Charlotte High School. Ipulled into the student parking lot. I was unbelievably nervous. Ididn't know what to expect from this school. I finally got out of myRange Rover, and everyone that was standing in the parking lot staredat me as I made my way on the campus. It was awkward seeing peoplestare at me. I went to my locker and put some books in it. "Heyyou're Shayna Donnelly right?" a guy asked me. He was tall, hadblonde hair and green eyes. "Yes. Who are you?" I asked. "I'mWyatt Johnson. You're that girl that sang in that one Kalin and Mylessong right?"


"Thatis a sick song."


"Sowhat brings you here to Port Charlotte?"

"Ihad some problems in California, so I just came back here, anddecided to finish high school here."

"Sweet.Well I'll see you around." he said walking away. I took a look atmy schedule as I walked down the hallway. I had to go to 'A'building. I bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going." agirl said. "Oh sorry."

"Heyyou're Shayna Donnelly right?"

"Uhyeah. Yeah I am."

"I'mMiranda, and this is my friend Violet." I looked over to her friendand she was short. Shorter than me and shorter than Miranda. Mirandawas a little bit taller than me, had dirty blonde hair, and browneyes. Violet had very tan skin, curly black hair, and green eyes."It's nice to meet you." I said before heading to 'A' buildingbefore the bell rang. I got half way there then the bell rang. Iwalked into the classroom, and noticed my teacher sitting at herdesk. "Um Miss Clarke?" I said walking up to her desk. MissClarke was a fairly tall woman with blonde hair that came to hershoulders. "Oh you must be the new student."


"Welcometo Port Charlotte High. Your seat is the last seat in first row." Itook my seat, and looked at my schedule. I would occasionally look atthe door as students walked in. A girl sat down in front of me. Sheglanced at me. She started talking to several people in theclassroom. She seemed very social. She finally came back over to me."Hi." she said smiling. I looked up quickly. "Hi." I saidbefore looking back down at my schedule. "Are you new?" sheasked. "Uh yeah."

"OhI'm Abbegayle. You can call me Abby though."

"I'mShayna." someone gasped from across the room. "You mean ShaynaDonnelly? The one that's dating Myles Parrish?" A random girl askedrunning to my desk. "Uh yeah." I felt tears wanting to escape butI cleared my throat to stop them from falling. "I'm a big fan ofKalin and Myles! But why are you here?" the girl asked. "It's along story." There was no way I was going to tell my business to arandom stranger. "It's okay I have time." she said sitting on mydesk. "No you don't Jessabelle. Please take your seat." MissClarke said standing up. Jessabelle groaned and made her way back toher seat. Abby turned around. "Like I said yesterday we have bookwork to do. You may work in a group but no more than four people in agroup." Miss Clarke said before sitting down again. "Hey Shayna!"Jessabelle said gesturing me towards her. Abby shook her head at me."Sorry." I said pointing to Abby. Jessabelle gave Abby a dirtylook and turned towards her friend. "Trust me she don't want towork with her." Abby said whispering to me. "Why not?" Iwhispered back. "I can explain later." she said grabbing the bookfrom her desk. A girl with dirty blonde hair started pushing a desktowards us, and a boy with brown hair pulled up a chair next to us."Oh Shayna. This is my friend Anastasia-"

"Butyou can call me Anna." Anna said interrupting Abby. "I wasgetting to that." Abby said playfully rolling her eyes. "And I'mLogan."

"Iwas gonna introduce you." Abby said pushing his shoulder playfully.Abby set the book down on my desk. "We can share a book." Abbysaid turning the book side ways. "So where did you say you movedfrom?" Abby asked keeping her focus on finding the correct page. "Imoved from San Francisco."

Got You (A Kalin and Myles Fanfiction) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now