Chapter 24

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Itwas the day Kalin and Myles' new album was coming out. I was nervousbecause I didn't know how their fans would react to the song I didwith them. I was currently listening to their new album and I lovedit. They never fail to amaze me. My phone started blaring Dedication."Yello?" I said happily. "How are you liking our new album?"Myles asked. "I love it. You guys never cease to amaze me."

"I'mglad you like it. Remember I have a party tonight at eight."

"Don'tworry I'll be there at seven thirty"

"That'smy girl." I smiled. "Alright I gotta go. Olive's gonna be heresoon."

"Okaybaby girl see you later. I love you."

"Loveyou too." I hung up. Myles was having an album release party at hishouse tonight. Olive was on her way here because me and her weregoing to get our nails done and I'm gonna dye my hair again since themint color was kind of fading out. I realized I hadn't talked toJaylynn in a while so I called her. "Hello?"

"Jaylynnhey. Sorry I haven't called in a while."

"It'sfine. I just have one question."


"Whydidn't you tell me you were featured in one of their songs?" sheasked shocked. I laughed. "I take it you're listening to their newsongs."

"Uhyeah! Its amazing!" I laughed. "How are you and Maxwell?"


"Itold you, you should've told him sooner."


"I'mactually shocked you broke what ever you had with Jake off."

"Wellyou know how much I like Maxwell. Plus Jake lives all the way outthere in California it wouldn't have worked out anyways." Olivewalked in my apartment. "Yeah. Well Olive is here. I'll talk to youvery soon."

"Okaybye Shayna."

"Bye."I hung up and put my phone on the kitchen counter. "Hey dude."

"Hey."she said sitting on the couch. "I gotta get dressed and I'll beready." I said heading upstairs. I got dressed in my KAM FAM shirt,jean shorts, and my black vans. "Hey Shayna. I really like thatsong you did with Kalin and Myles." Olive said as walked down thestairs. "You do?"

"Yeahand a lot of people seem to like it too."

"Howdo you know?"

"Haveyou been on twitter today?" I shook my head and picked up my phone.I opened the twitter app. All I saw in my notifications were tweetssaying how much people liked the song, and a few tweets asking if Iwas going on tour with them. "You're right." I looked for anotherminute and then put my phone in my purse. "You ready?" I askedOlive. "Yep."

Wegot to the salon. "So you and Kalin. Whats going on with you two?"I said as we sat down and got our nails done. "Last week he askedme to be his girlfriend. He asked me right after we got done gettingit on."

"Ohwow. So what did you say?"

"Isaid yes."

"Ithought you said you didn't like to be tied down."

"Idon't, but I really like Kalin so I'm willing to give it a chance."

"Wellgood for you." she smiled. "So what color are you dying your hairtoday?" Olive asked. "I was thinking blonde."

"Iwas gonna suggest that, so yeah do it." I smiled

Iwas yet again walking out of the salon, and just could not stoptouching my hair. "It looks so good." Olive said running herfingers through my hair. "Okay stop touching my hair. You're gonnamess it up." she laughed. "Like it matters. You're gonna fix itbefore you go to the party anyways." she said as we got in my car."You think Myles will like it?" I asked. "Remember what he saidwhen you dyed your hair mint? He said whether I like it or not itsyour hair and you do what ever you want with it."

"True."I plugged the aux cord into my phone and started playing Kalin andMyles' new songs. Olive smiled and turned it way up as we pulled outof the salon parking lot.

Itwas now seven thirty and there wasn't anyone at Myles' house yet. Iwalked into his house without even knocking. "Babe! I'm here." Iyelled. "Is that you baby girl?"

"Yessir." I said heading upstairs to hug him. I embraced him. "Yourhair." he said touching my hair. "What does it look bad."

"Notat all." he said smiling. He kissed me on the cheekbone. "Come onwe're all hanging out in my room." he said dragging me to his room.Kalin, Jake, and Alyssa were sitting there talking. "Hey guys." Isaid waving to everyone. Myles sat on his computer chair. I sat onhis lap. "What did you do to your hair?" Alyssa asked shocked."It was time for a change." I replied. "Oh Kalin. Olive wantedme to tell you that she'll be here soon. She just had to picksomething up." Kalin just nodded. "So what possessed you to dyeyour hair blonde?" Alyssa asked. "I always wanted to dye my hairblonde because hey blondes have more fun." I said winking at Myles.He smiled at me.

Itsbeen a few hours since the party started and I was drunk. Stephaniehad brought vodka, and Olive brought fireball. I was hanging out withOlive, Alyssa, and Stephanie and her crew. "Just one more sip." Islurred. "I think you've had enough." Olive said laughing. "Sonot true." I said leaning on her. It was so hard to stand up. I sawMyles standing and talking to Kalin. "I'll be right back." Islurred before heading over to Myles. I stumbled my way over to him."Oh someone's drunk." Kalin said. "Shhh." I grabbed Myles andstarted making out with him. "Yep definitely drunk." Kalin said.I stopped what I was doing, and dragged Myles upstairs. "Where arewe going?" he asked. "Its a surprise." I opened the door to hisroom, pulled him in and locked the door. "Shayna you're drunk."

"Sowhat's wrong with a little drunk sex?" I said starting to kiss hisneck. He laid me down on the bed. "Time for a nap." he saidcovering me in his blanket. "Okay." before I knew it my eyes weredrooping closed. "Nighty night baby girl." he said before I fellinto a deep sleep.

Wakingup was literally hell. My head hurt, and I felt nauseous. I literallyhad no idea what happened last night. I had no idea how I ended up inMyles' bed. "Oh good morning." Myles said. I groaned. "Whathappened last night?" I asked. "Well you got drunk and made outwith me in front of everyone and you brought me up here to try andhave sex with me." I covered my face with my hands. "Oh my godthat's so embarrassing." he smiled, and kissed me on the forehead."You think you need these?" Myles asked holding out Tylenol."Yeah." I took the Tylenol, and Myles handed me a bottle ofwater. "Thanks."

"Willmy lady be needing anything else?" Myles asked. "A bucket or atrash can just in case, and a glass of orange juice." he nodded andleft. I reached over to grab my phone, and checked snapchat to makesure I didn't post anything stupid. Luckily there was nothing. Mylescame back in with orange juice and a trash can. "Thank you."

"Anythingfor you baby girl." he got in bed with me and we started cuddling.I was starting to feel better already.


Song: Never Goin' Broke by HBK Gang

Got You (A Kalin and Myles Fanfiction) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now