Chapter 27

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Thewhole summer was almost over and I still didn't leave this bed. Itwas probably around one o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleepat all. I just stared into the darkness as single tears rolled downmy cheek. What was I going to do when Myles comes back? I just satthere and thought to myself. I turned the bed side lamp on. I grabbeda piece of paper and a pen, and I started writing a note.

Alyssaby the time you see this I will already be gone. Just make sure youtake good care of Coco and Bob and hold the apartment down. I'm notsure when I'll be back, but I'll keep in touch. You were such a goodfriend to me.

AfterI wrote that note, I wrote one to Olive.

Olivethank you so much for being such a great friend. By the time you seethis I'll be gone. I just wanted to thank you. I'm not sure if I'llbe back but I'll keep in touch.

Igot that sweater that I bought for me that says 'Ayye He's Mine' andthe necklace Myles bought me and laid it on my bed. Then I wroteMyles a letter.

Myles,I must say I am very hurt by what you did. I left and most likely notcoming back. I loved you so much but you just left. You kept tellingme that you got me and you lied. You were the only one that I lovedand you betrayed me.


Ipacked most of my stuff in boxes. I would probably be coming back, soI didn't take everything. I threw everything into my Range Rover, andI was off to Florida. I needed to get out of here before Myles cameback. He'd try to come back and apologize to me, but I wasn't goingto accept his apology. He told me that he'd never let me go, but hedid. I wanted to go to Florida so I could start over and probablyfinish high school. If I do decide to finish high school then Iwouldn't be going to the same school as Shane. He ruined my life now.I was scared to leave but it had to be done. I called John. "Hello?"he said sleepily. "Hey John sorry I woke you."

"OhShayna. I was really starting to worry about you. What happened?"

"YeahI'm sorry. I can explain what happened to me later but I'm calling tolet you know that I'm coming back to Florida. I'll be there in a fewdays."

"O-okay.I'll see you soon then."

"Okaybye." I hung up. I drove past the venue where Kalin and Myles wereperforming, and I could hear screaming and loud music. The music Iheard was from the song I did with them. I started bawling my eyesout and sped past the venue. I love Myles so much but he betrayed me.I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not going to let everyonewalk all over me anymore.


Iwoke up to my alarm because I had work today. I went to Shayna's roomto check on her, and to my surprise she wasn't there. Actually herroom looked better than it had been this whole summer. I wentdownstairs to see if she was in the kitchen. Nothing. "Shayna?" Icalled. Nothing. I came to the living room and there were two notesfrom Shayna. One for me and one for Olive. I read the one she leftfor me. I started crying instantly. I was alone again. I ran up to myroom to get my phone and call Shayna. It rang and rang and no answer,so I just left her a voice mail. "Shayna. You don't have to go.Please come back. Everything will be okay. Please call me back." Ihung up. I started crying harder as I sat on the couch. Olive walkedin. "Alyssa what's wrong? Why are you crying?" she said rushingover to hug me. I reached over to the coffee table and handed her thenote that Shayna left for her. She read it. "Where did she go?"she asked. "I have no idea. She didn't say."

Got You (A Kalin and Myles Fanfiction) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now