Chapter 28

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Iwoke up to banging on the door. I was highly pissed off because itwas my day off and I was really hoping to sleep in. They continued tobang on the door. "Hold on! Jesus christ." I said unlocking thedoor. Shane stood there with tear filled eyes. "Where's Shayna?"Shane asked. "She doesn't want to see you. You ruined her life.Plus she's not here." I added with attitude. "Well where is sheand when is she coming back?"

"Idon't know where she is, and I don't know if she is coming back. Doyou have any idea of what you did to her?" he shook his head."After you came here trying to fight Myles, Myles left her, andShayna stayed in bed all summer, and now she ran off somewhere."

"Ihad no idea." he said starting to cry. "I just really wanted totell her that I am truly sorry." I heard footsteps coming down thehallway. Before I knew it Myles came up to Shane and punched him inthe face. "You son of a bitch. You ruined my life." Myles saidstarting to beat Shane up. "Hey hey hey." Kalin said trying topull them apart. He finally pulled them apart. I brought Shane in soI could clean his face up. "I just came here to apologize." Shanesaid. "For what ruining my love life? Ruining Shayna's life? Thanksto you she ran off somewhere." Myles said angrily. "I know. Itwas absolutely wrong of me to come here. I want Shayna to be happy,and I didn't realize she got the happiness from you. I'm sorry." hesaid starting to cry again. Myles' face softened. "Hey man I'msorry I hit you. I was just mad."

"Itsokay dude. We all get mad sometimes."


Ihad fell asleep in my car which is finally parked safely in mydriveway in Florida. My back hurt so bad. I was so happy that I washere now. I picked up my phone to call John. "Hello?"

"HeyJohn. I'm here now."

"OkayI'll be there around five o'clock."

"Okay.See you then."

"Bye."I hung up and made my way inside. I didn't even bother bringing mystuff inside yet. I was way too tired right now. All the Christmasstuff was taken down. I headed up to my room to lay down.

Iwoke up to the smell of some one cooking downstairs. I slid myglasses on my face and headed downstairs. I saw a woman cooking in mykitchen. "Oh hello. I'm John's wife Sage."

"OhI didn't know he was married." I said shaking her hand. John camein the kitchen with a young boy. He looked around ten years old. "OhShayna. You're up." John said walking closer. "Yeah I neededsleep."

"I'mpretty sure you met my wife Sage. This is my son Caleb."

"Whydidn't you tell me you were married and had a son." I asked. "Idon't know."

"Wellits nice to meet you guys." I said smiling. "I was reallyworrying about you Shayna." John said sitting down. "I know. I'msorry. Me and Myles had some issues and I just got really depressed."

"Whathappened?" John asked. I didn't know if I wanted to tell him. Imean I'm still not over it. "Well. You remember Shane right?" henodded. "Well he came by my apartment, trying to fight Myles. Hesaid that if he wanted me then he'd have to fight for me. I kickedShane out of my apartment, threatening to call the cops. Myles saidthat he couldn't fight for me if he was up against Shane, and he leftme." I said starting to cry. "Don't worry Shayna. I know Mylesloves you very much, and he probably got a little scared of Shane."Maybe John was right but Myles isn't the type to get scared orintimidated. My phone started ringing. It was Alyssa. "Hello?"

"HeyShayna." it wasn't Alyssa. It was Shane. "What do you wantShane?" I asked annoyed. "I just wanted to call and apologize."


"Forruining your life, and doing this to you."

"Youknow I can't forgive you right?"

"YeahI know I just wanted to say that all I wanted was for you to behappy. I didn't realize that you were happy with Myles. I talked toMyles, and apologized to him."

"Youtalked to Myles?"

"Yeahafter he punched me in the face a few times. You deserve to be withMyles, and Myles is really lucky to have you."

"Hewas lucky to have me. I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive him forwhat he did. He lied to me."

"Iunderstand that Shayna, and I support you. I still love you. So justdo what makes you happy." I sighed. "Okay Shane. I have to go.I'm about to have dinner with some friends."

"OkayShayna. Talk to you soon."


Wewere all sitting down eating. "So Shayna. What's your plan whileyou're here?" John asked. "Well I want to finish high school.That's most important."

"Wellthat's great. Are you going to go to Lemon Bay?"

"NoI want to go somewhere else. Do you know of any other schools in thecounty?"

"Uhyeah. There's a high school in Port Charlotte."

"Okaymaybe I'll go there tomorrow and register."



Social media

Twitter: Shayna_Donnelly

Instagram: shaynaxkamfam4lyfe

Fan instagram account: hyphyxkamfam

Song: Fallin' by Alicia Keys

Got You (A Kalin and Myles Fanfiction) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now