Chapter I - He Cheated on James

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Today was different from the other days. It was really crazy indeed.
Everywhere on social media talks about #NetcheatedonJames ,#netbetrayjames and such a #justafanservice.

How in this world is happening today.
P'aof and their manager p'ker try to contact Net and James to talk about the issue circulating on social media.

Net POV:
It was 8 in the morning and I felt so lazy to get up from my bed suddenly my phone rang ."Oh! It's p'aof" that word came out of my mouth.
"As I remember last night when I checked my phone I didn't have any schedule for work these days, and then why so suddenly p'aof called me in the early morning " I continued talking to myself before answering the phone call.

"Good morning p'aof" I greeted him first then I was shocked when I Heard p'aof saying in panic voice "where are you net huh? Did you know what is going on "he said .
I replied immediately in a joyful tone " P' relax I'm in my house, and as far as I know I don't have any event or schedule to do so, so here I am laying on my bed and I just woke up"

"Really?and where is James ?"he asked
"On his condo" I replied
"Net,you didn't know about what happening today"he ask me again
"Huh? I just woke up and i don't know what you are talking about P'?" I honestly answered
"Net,I want you to come here as soon as possible to fix the issue circulating online" he firmly said
"Wait! I'm so confuse right now P' but ok I will go there as soon as possible " I said

"Give me 1-2 hrs to get there "I continued

He ended the phone call after saying"please come in a hurry"

"What is on with p'?" I said and stood up to take a shower and get dressed. I'm in a hurry so I just drink coffee and drive my car on the way to the DMD headquarters.When I arrive in the office one of the staff told me to meet p'aof in his office so I went there. As I opened the door I heard p' and my AR talking in panic.

"Finally you're here" p'ker said
"Yeah it's so trafficked! so I stack there for about half an hour" I answered
"It's ok the important thing is you are now here" p'aof in sad tone
"P' why are you calling me here?What are we talking about ?Is it very important to ask me to talk about it in person?" I question
"Yes it is !you don't know what's going on online ? This may affect your next project".he said
"P' just goes straight to the point because me, myself and I got confused on what you said"

"Net! there's a rumor that you are dating a girl and some of your fans saw and took a picture and video while hanging out with that person" p'ker break a silent
"And now you are trending in every social media platform that you are cheating on James"she added

I just remain silent while reading on her phone about the issue .

"Net your FC (fan club)wants your explanation and to hold a conference on this issue " p'aof said in sad tone

"Then what will I do?to tell them that It's just a fake ?p' you know that I like that girl so much . I told you before that I'm dating and I keep it in secret because you said that it may affect my career ".I said and p'aof remain silent.
"P' you want me to tell them that it is fake, we can all see it clearly that it was really me, Can I just announce that I'm am really dating that girl I like?" I continued

"Then what about James? What about you career? about your upcoming projects with James? We all know that if you announce it ,it may affect all of those "p'ker interrupt and said she need to go out to check what it gonna do in this issue ...

"You don't even care about your favorite brother if you announce it?"p ' said

"P' !we know that we just a friend and a screen partner and nothing else , I need to be my self p', can't I do that ?please p' give me your permission to announce to them that I am now in happy dating ..and James understands it because he is JUST my friend nothing more nothing less " I said

"So you really want to tell them on media conference?what if your fans got angry and they don't understand you and throw a backlash on you ?" He said in concern

"P' let them be! Let me handle this ' If they are my true fans they will accept and respect me . And I will explain it to all that I'm in love with that girl... And I'm pretty sure that the producer will accept it if I honestly state the fact and I will make sure that it may not affect the next project that we have with N' James " I said in serious

"So I have nothing to deal with you!! if you are really that desperate to tell them then I am here to support what my artist decision " p' smile after he state that

I widen my eyes and smile when I hear that from p'aof and I hug him tightly and I say "thanks p' thank you for believing in me and gave me a permission to tell and do what I like "

Then suddenly the door was open and it was p'ker ..she came to report what is on social media right in the situation and then she said:

"Did you talk to James na ?"
Me and p'aof got shocked after hearing that
"No,we didn't talk to him yet " I answered
"Then, why I saw him leaving here in you office? I asked him if he was ok and he said he was and went to the elevator "p'ker state
"No!we didn't see Nong and talked to him this past hour and like I told you before that I wanted to talk to him too but he didn't arrive yet" p ' aof honestly answered

"But why is he standing and leaving your office and he just looks so down?do you think I am really insane to create a story ?ok lets check on security (cctv) to make you believe in me".

Review from cctv:
(About half an hour ago) p'ker goes out from p'aof office to check what is now in that issue on social media and to find solutions to fix it .. When she was on another way James got on his way(they didn't see each other because they came from different directions)to/from p'aof office ..

James held the doorknob but suddenly stopped and stood still in that place (like he heard from inside about what's going on ) he remained standing there about half an hour then when he suddenly turned back to go out the buildings department he encountered p'ker.

James held the doorknob but suddenly stopped and stood still in that place (like he heard from inside about what's going on ) he remained standing there about half an hour then when he suddenly turned back to go out the buildings department he enc...

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then they chat just a minute and James goes to elevator (going down) .and the p'ker go inside the office..

P'aof and net got shocked and can't say anything that James is in there.

"Don't worry p'aof I'll talk to him later"I said

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