Chapter 8: Mind blowing

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James POV:

His large hand gently brushes my waist while kissing me . I stop kissing him because I don't know how I feel .

"Babe , there's nothing to hesitate anymore. Don't worry I will cherish you"

I was flustered when I heard that , my mind saying don't,but my body was against my thoughts. There's nothing wrong with that right? expressing our physical love desire and also he is my boyfriend. I think it's normal in every relationship. "Ok there's no need to overthink just follow what I need right now" in James thought.

So I started kissing him back, I lifted both of my arms and encircled to his neck . I open my mouth to inviting him to penetrate my mouth deeply.
His finger gently lifted my chin to access my mouth deeply and then
He begun kissing me dropping to my neck then to my collarbone.

He went kissing in my earlobe I felt his warm breath murmuring and it brought me to excitement.

His tongue tracing the path down to my neck then I was moaning when he flicked one of my nipples. A soft moan of satisfaction comes out of my mouth . A fluttering sensation arose in my abdomen ,what's this kind of feeling?

His hand traveling around my body then he take off my shirt then he kiss me. While kissing me he slowly remove my pants the taste of our kiss make me drive crazy,a taste of alcohol from the party then a little bit of sweet from each other mouths.

I am totally naked and I feel so embarrassed this time. He totally sees my body without any pieces of cloth.
"God! James your body was so perfect" he exploring my whole body from head to toe.

I tried to squeeze my legs because of embarrassment but his hand held them apart .

I was totally shocked when he began stocking my cock . I tremble of pleasure feelings throughout me. I felt my member become hardened. He continue doing it like he was tasting like it was lollipop. I put my one hands on his hair to push him harder and deeper. I was enjoying this moment, when he began to stroke my member faster and harder. I'm in the cloud nine right now " babe I can't take it anymore I'm going to cum "..
I said then a min past a white slippery fluid comes from my member.

When I open my eyes I saw him gently putting my cum at my entrance.
Then he take off his own clothes.

Then I felt weird inside me when he insert his one finger on my entrance. He gently scissored my entrance, then a moment he gradually added from one finger to two then three of his fingers were on my intracellular.
He continued his fingers in and out . It's hurt me or maybe it's so weird feeling because this is my first time. I didn't think this was what was happening during sex.

"Ahhh" that sounds comes out from my mouth when his fingers spotted and hitting my sensitive part inside me. He becomes excited when he heard it from me ,so he continued and become faster.

"Shit babe!!your fingers were not enough , please come into me" I please him

Then he slowly easing his cock inside me. As I expected it hurt,my two hands clutched tightly on his broad shoulders.

"Does it hurt?" He ask me while his member was fully inside mine.

"Just a little bit" I answered(but in reality it hurt too much,and this is my first after all),then he planted a tender kiss on my lips . We stayed in that moment until he move slowly back and forth .

A sound of our moaning can be heard in the whole room. I don't know what to say but it feels so good when he's inside me. A pleasure that can't you explain, I'm craving for more .

"Babe can you please harder"I ask then he eventually do as I say. He move harder and faster. Then he put my one leg on his shoulder then he move faster.

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