Chapter 19: Holding on

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James, aware that Net intended to sell the condo they once shared, took the opportunity to purchase it himself. He sought the help of their mutual friend, Yim, to arrange the purchase through his lawyer, with the condition that Net remained unaware of James' involvement.

One evening, as Net returned to the condo to collect his belongings, he found himself engulfed in bittersweet memories.

Net walking through the condo, feeling a mix of nostalgia and sadness

"It's strange being back here... so many memories, good and bad." He said to himself

(Net starts gathering his belongings, carefully packing them into boxes. After a while, he realizes he needs to use the bathroom.)

Net: (Opening the bathroom door, surprised) Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize someone was in here!

James: (Lying in the bathtub, equally surprised) Net? What are you doing here?

Net: (Taken aback) James?! What... why are you here... naked in the bathtub?

James: (Quickly covering himself with a towel) I... I didn't expect you to come tonight. I was just... taking a bath.

Net: (Apologizing) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll wait in the living room until you're finished.

(Net quickly exits the bathroom, feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion. He heads to the living room and waits for James to join him. After the moment James came wearing bathrobe)

Net: (Curious and slightly frustrated) James, why are you here? And sorry this unit was not mine anymore . I didn't tell you that this condo was now sold

[Net explaining then James interrupt him]

James: (Tears welling up in his eyes) Net, I...(Sighing) Net, I bought this condo. Im the one who brought this place .

Net: (Surprised) You bought this condo? But... why ?

James: I wanted to show you that I still care, that I'm...

Net: (Confused and hurt) But why would you buy this place after breaking up with me? It doesn't make sense.

James: (Taking a deep breath) Net, I realized my mistake after we broke up. I realized how much I still love you and how much I regretted losing you. Buying this condo was my way of showing you that I want a second chance, that I want to make things right.(Crying) I know... I know I hurt you, Net. And I'm sorry. I just... I just wanted to show you that I still care.

Net: (Frustrated) Still care? James, you left me. You broke me. And now you're here, saying you still care(Emotional) James... I don't know what you are trying to say. I have to go now .

After their intense and emotional conversation, James realized the depth of the pain he had caused Net by ending their relationship. Seeing Net's hurt and frustration firsthand, hearing his bitter words, and watching him leave the condo they once shared filled with so many memories, caused a profound sense of regret to wash over James. He became acutely aware of the impact of his actions and the heartbreak he had inflicted on Net. This realization brought him to tears, leaving him alone in the condo with his remorse and the hope to somehow mend things in the future.

Fast forward,James has 2 weeks left to stay in Thailand. He tried to enjoy himself as he is still there.

Then p'aof invite him to his bday party.

[At the Party]

Yim: "I can't believe we're all here to celebrate P'Aof's birthday! It's going to be a great night."

Tutor: "Absolutely! P'Aof deserves the best. I wonder where he is though."

Just as they wonder about P'Aof's whereabouts, P'Aof enters the room with someone behind him. As he moves aside, a familiar face comes into view, causing a wave of excitement among the group.

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