Chapter 9: Your my easiest hello but my hardest goodbye

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Net that night might be strange to James that he thinks he is out of his mind not knowing that net was just true to his self.

Many days pass when they attend both in different concerts. I am attending a concert with my colleague where he was on an Ed Sheeran mathematics tour.

Opening my social media and my fyp are  full of some fan pictures of him with his lover. Well of course he is with her , like what do I care ?I also have a boyfriend ,but after that I came to my room I can't stop thinking about what he said or he just playing around. But I take it seriously!damn do I'm not really moved on from him?

It almost my birthday!!

I just have a little party. I want to spend my day with my friends and family. My plan was on morning,I will have a celebration with my family and on night time with my colleague.

Me,P'aof and other staff set the event .

Hello 24 !!!

That is the caption that I posted on my social media.

Like what's on my plan, I celebrate on morning with my parents and my siblings. We went to a restaurant and we celebrated my 24 years of existence.

At almost night, we went to a private bar that we reserved. I rent the whole club this night, yeah cuz it's my birthday.

We start celebrating,drinking dancing and singing, I have a lot of fun tonight . Then suddenly the light was turned off, I almost panicked because I was afraid of the darkness.

But after 1 min the light was back but someone standing infront of me . Holding a large bouquet of roses and a lot of gifts on the other hand.

" Happy birthday my love"

"Thank you babe" I smiled and hug him .

" I miss you so much "

"Miss you too"

Yeah that's my boyfriend. Im so  happy because he made his promise that he will make sure to attend and celebrate my birthday with him .

We continue partying .

Almost 3 in the morning when the party was ended. I'm in my room with my boyfriend hugging and cuddling to his broad chest.

James was so tired then he drifted off to sleep. But he awake when his boyfriend was not with him then he get up to search where he was. He slowly walking because of laziness and he has lack of sleep.

On the balcony,he saw his lover talking with someone on his phone . James didn't dare to call his lover and thinking that it's about his business.
But when he was going to his room, he stopped when his lover mentioned about the child!!

Child? which and whose child is he talking about? His heart pounding so fast !!then he went back to his room and lay in his bed. Then a minute pass his lover hug him from behind. He almost freeze , he didn't even explain what on his feelings. "CHILD"  that word stock on James head , he didn't have any idea but he has strange and weird feeling after hearing that.
He pretend that he on deep sleep. He can't even sleep properly even though he tried.

"Good morning babe ,come let's have a breakfast together"

" "
" Babe are you ok ?you look so pale?are you sick?"he ask


"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm just tired from yesterday so don't worry babe" I pretend to smile at him not giving any sign of  suspicious.

We ate our breakfast and he headed to his house .

My mind keep thinking about that word !why he was uncomfortable and  acting shock when that word come from other line and he spoke it .
Damn it give me sick.

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