Chapter 14: Hard feelings

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Today, when I was moving my other items to our condo, he helped me haul the items to speed up. We also helped to fix or arrange those in the condo. Until in the afternoon when we finished and we just ordered our dinner because we didn't have time to cook.

We are sleeping next to each other, you would think that we are like newlyweds with our actions. This is also what we agreed on so that we can get closer to each other and strengthen or improve our relationship.

When I woke up in the morning, the food was ready on the table that he cooked .And after we ate- while I was taking a bath, he was washing the dishes. Then when I finished taking a bath, he would take a bath (because our condo had one big bathroom ).

While we were lounging in the living room, we talked about going grocery shopping for what we needed, so we made a list of what to buy. After two o'clock in the afternoon, we left the house to go to the market, while we were on our way, his right hand held my left hand, while his left hand was used for driving. This feeling is so good that the person that I love also loves me,and we are ready to start again to strengthen the relationship even though we are still in the trial stage but it seems that our relationship has reached a level.

Think about what kind of person would go with and live in the same roof and act like they are married but there is no relationship yet, it seems weird, but that's what we are doing right now.

When we are working, we always go together and go home together.We are working together in the same company and of course we go and go back home to the same house. Our system is like that, when we have a solo event, he still drives me while he waits outside. He doesn't go to the event hall because he wants to avoid people and to avoid malice. When he has a solo event, he doesn't take me with me if I don't have a schedule, he just lets me wander where I want to go and if I don't want to wander, he just lets me rest at our house. It's a good feeling when someone waits for me and picks me up from work, someone takes care of me and someone cooks my food.. Actually, I save more because I don't buy food outside as much anymore. And while I was waiting for him to come home, I also cleaned the house, and I greeted him with a sweet smile and a tight hug.

And so, the three-month trial began. It was a time of discovery for Net and James, a period of understanding and acceptance. They experienced the highs and lows of a relationship, the joy of companionship, and the pain of misunderstandings. But through it all, their bond only grew stronger

In the office

One sunny afternoon, their friend Yim paid them a visit. Yim, a straightforward and observant individual, noticed a certain tension in the air. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it was something that wasn't there before.

"James," Yim began, his brow furrowed in concern, "I've noticed something different between you and Net. I can't quite pinpoint it, but it's something I can't ignore."

James sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked at Yim, then at Net, who was quietly observing the conversation.

"Yim, there's something we need to tell you," James said, his voice steady.

"Net and I... we've been trying something. A three-month trial of sorts."

Yim's eyes widened in surprise. "A trial? You mean... are you two...?"

James nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yes, Yim. We're seeing if we can be more than just friends. We're giving it three months to see if what we feel for each other is real."

When James revealed the trial relationship to Yim, he was initially taken aback. Yim had always known James and Net as close friends, and this sudden shift in their dynamics surprised him. His eyebrows shot up, and he blinked a few times, letting the information sink in.

He looked from James to Net, studying their faces. He could see the sincerity in their eyes, and it was clear that this wasn't a decision they had taken lightly. He felt a pang of worry, concerned about what might happen if things didn't work out between them. He didn't want their friendship to be jeopardized.

However, Yim also knew James and Net well enough to understand their bond. He knew they wouldn't rush into something without thinking it through. He respected their decision and trusted their judgment. After a moment of silence, he gave them a small, understanding smile and nodded.

"I have my reservations," Yim admitted, his voice steady. "But I trust you both. I hope this trial brings you happiness." He knew it was their journey to embark on, and all he could do was offer his support and hope for the best.

In the evening, after a long day at work, Net and James found themselves back in their home. The room was filled with the soft hum of the city outside, the occasional car honking, and the distant chatter of people returning home.

James kicked off his shoes and collapsed onto the couch, letting out a sigh of relief. "What a day," he murmured, rubbing his temples.

Net, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner, chuckled lightly. "You can say that again. The new project is really keeping us on our toes."

James turned to look at Net, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're just saying that because you're the project lead. I bet you secretly enjoy the chaos."

Net laughed, shaking his head as he stirred the pot on the stove. "Oh, absolutely. Nothing like a bit of chaos to keep things interesting."

Their banter was easy, a testament to their years of friendship and the deep bond they shared. They knew each other's quirks and habits, their strengths and weaknesses. Working in the same company had only brought them closer, allowing them to understand each other on a different level.

As they sat down to eat, they talked about their day, discussing the challenges they faced and brainstorming solutions. They laughed, they debated, and they supported each other, just like they always did.

Living and working together had its challenges, but for Net and James, it was a journey they were glad to be on together. It was a testament to their friendship, their bond, and the love that was slowly but surely blossoming between them.

3 month had passed.

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