Chapter 17: New Beginning

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Net, while at the shopping mall, received an unexpected call that caught him off guard. In his hurry, he accidentally bumped into a guy and quickly apologized before continuing on his way.

This encounter raises questions about who this mysterious guy is and what the phone call was about. Could it be a chance meeting that will lead to a new connection in Net's life? Or perhaps it's a momentary distraction in an otherwise busy day.


After 8 months in a busy schedule , DMD had a conference and allow media to covered the whole announcement.

Manager: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? I have some exciting news to share with you all today. As you know, we've been on the lookout for the perfect screen partner for Net, and after an extensive search, we have found the ideal match. Please give a warm welcome to Kim!

Audience: (Applauds)

Net: Finally, the secret is out! Welcome, Kim! I'm thrilled to have you as my new screen partner.

Kim: Thank you, Net! I'm equally excited to work alongside you. I've admired your talent for a long time, and I can't wait to create magic together on-screen.

Manager: We believe that the chemistry between Net and Kim will captivate audiences and bring fresh energy to our projects. They complement each other perfectly, and we can't wait to see their performances.

Net: (Grinning at Kim) We're going to make an amazing team, Kim. Let's bring our best to every scene and create something unforgettable.

Kim: Absolutely, Net! I'm ready to dive into this new chapter and give it my all.

Manager: Get ready, everyone, because Net and Kim are about to take the screen by storm! We have some exciting projects lined up for them, so stay tuned for more updates.

Audience: Cheers and applause

And after that they answered some questions from different media .

Interviewer 1: Welcome, Kim! We're excited to have you here today. Let's start by talking about your background. Can you tell us a bit about your upbringing?

Kim: Thank you for having me! Of course, I'd be happy to share. I was actually born to a diverse background. My father is Australian, and my mother is pure Thai. As the only child, I had a unique blend of cultures growing up. However, when I was young, my family relocated to London, where I spent most of my formative years.

Interviewer 2: That's fascinating! How was your experience growing up in London? Did it have any influence on your career path?

Kim: Living in London was a truly enriching experience. The city's vibrant multicultural environment exposed me to a wide range of perspectives and opportunities. It was during my time there that I developed a passion for business management. I studied diligently and eventually graduated with a degree in business management.

Interviewer 3: That's impressive, Kim! Your educational background in business management must have provided you with valuable skills. How do you think this background will contribute to your work in the entertainment industry?

Kim: Absolutely! My business management degree has given me a solid foundation in strategic thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. These skills are transferable and can be applied to various aspects of the entertainment industry, including project management, negotiations, and building strong professional relationships. I believe that having a business mindset will allow me to bring a unique perspective to my collaborations with Net and the entire team.

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