Chapter 5: The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?

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Finally it is vacation day na. We left Bangkok early in the morning so we could relax after we arrived at our destination.

"Finally we're here " nunew woke me up when we finally arrived
"Hey yim can you please just go outside so I can fix myself na"I told him my body is in pain because I can't sleep in property in my seat .

We went into the reception area and the staff gave us our room # and it's key . We have different rooms but our rooms are closed to each other..I went inside my room and threw myself on the bed " I'm going to sleep first I'm so tired of the long ride". Then I closed my eyes and slept.

The sound of the doorbell woke me and I was too lazy to stand. I opened my phone and I got a message from my friends 'hey what are you doing? Let's take dinner na.We are going there, you didn't answer our calls"
So I stand up cause I know they are the one behind my door. When I opened the door they seemed " James why you didn't change your clothes.I'm so starving can you go change and lets eat na " I'm went on the bathroom and quickly change while they are chatting in the lobby.

"Hey let's go"
"Are you done? " Yim asked me
"Well of course you like me to get hurry right?" I answered
" Then let's go " nat interrupt
"Hurry na I'm so starving" nunew demand

We are happy chatting while eating our meals ..after that ,we agreed to walk on the seaside.. The ambiance of the place was so relaxing.. There are some people right now because it's an exclusive resort (not so crowded that's why it's suitable for relaxing) . The sound of the waves makes me feel so relaxed that we enjoy that moment.

While walking on the beach Nat invited us to go back to our room but I refused "I'll follow you later" .They went back, while I was drinking wine then sat in bench. Wondering what I'll do next,plan to move on .
" What a beautiful view,the sound of the waves,the cold breeze and the gorgeous person sitting here" the voice from my back .. I look back to know who is the owner of the voice. When I meet his gaze I think I know him but I forgot his name.Did I know this person?When did we meet? I'm pretty sure that I know him,I'm murmured.
"What a perfect scenery,did you agree?" He talks again and I just nodded

I didn't dare to talk because I don't know him but I have a strange feeling that tells me that this person next to me was I already met before,but when?

"The sunsets were looking over us. Reminds us that at the end of the day it will be gone and the surroundings getting dark .But on the next day you will witness the new beautiful beginning and the sun will rise . Reminding us that life is just like that"
He continued I just listening to him ..why this person talk to me ,I don't even know him

"Hey James your so behave"he chuckled

"Hey you know me ?"
"Of course I know you .hahahaha your very famous actor right?but you change a lot /.before you're so talkative in our class ,do you remember that?"he Lough

Is he drug addict why he Lough like that? " In our class? Why do you me"

"Well I'm your classmates in primary to secondary"he said
OMG I don't even remember who he is.,my mind is now puzzle.
"By the way LUIS if you don't remember me"he offered his hand the n we shake out hands together
"My God Luis you've grown up.. Sorry if I didn't recognize you earlier"
"Don't feel sorry it's ok "

We chatted about an hour away,and we happily discussed our life. Then suddenly I received a call from Yim
"James where are you na? You almost 1 hour said you'll come after us but you taking so long ".

" Oh give me a minute and I'll go there " I answered and ended up the call

"Thank you for catching up classmate " I smile at him very sweetly . He went and sent me to my room . He says goodbye when I'm in front of my room I don't want to bother him anyway so I say goodbye to him too.

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