Chapter 7: I was quite,but ain't blind

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James POV:

I don't know how to explain,from this morning p' net act so strange towards me . His eyes look at me like a fire ball as if I do anything bad for him. When they open up the topic I can feel the tensions of his eyes glaring at me . Then the time when I went to the restroom I was shocked when he grabbed my waist and locked the door . Why is ask me about Louis? Why he wants me to stop flirting? Does he jealous?but no he has a girlfriend and he said that he really loves her so much,but what does he do to me right now?

He held my wrist so tight like he doesn't want me to let go . I'm scared of his sarcastic looks and voice,like I didn't expect that he will like that . That was the first time I saw him like a monster threatening his pray . But I don't wanna stay there I shook my head to fought my fear. I scolded him and said that I'm not his belonging.

I went out that place then he followed me a minute ago then he sat down in his chair then suddenly a man behind me spoke my name and have a bouquet of flowers on his hand. It was Louis he greeted me and I greet him as well. After some conversations we had in the p'aof office, Louis invited me to eat lunch together so I said yes

On the restaurant

The door opened automatically and the staff assisted us to a reserved table that Louis pick by himself. The ambiance of this restaurant was so elegant yet not boring. Then he called out the waitress came to take our order.

" Good afternoon Sir's may I take your order?" She smile nicely

"Can you please serve us all your best selling" he said

" How about you sir ?" He asked me

"Well I'm fine to what he ordered thats enough for both of us " I answered

"Hey , please tell me what ever you like and I will order it for you"he said

" It's ok for me ..that's enough, besides we were just 2 here to eat . Believe me we can't finish all of that " I convince him

"Ok! Miss take please our orders. Thank you " he said

Then the waitress went out to take out orders .

"So how's your day?" He started our conversation
"Well I'm good,how about you?"

"I'm good as well" he said

"James ?"he called out my name,my heart beat fast.


"James,did we have a chance to take back our past. I mean can we continue our past relationships let's make it better now . I know you will shocked about this but I'm serious to you like before,my love for you never fade away. Just give me another chance I will cherish you and I will prove to you that I am very serious." He held my hand then I got so shy and my ears turned like a pink petal of roses .

I'm just staring at him then my tears falling down,I'm so happy that he came back to me but there's something whispering in my ears . " Do you really love him like before" a wind came from anywhere asking me about my feelings towards this man infront of me.

" I will promise you that I will never leave you alone, I will be here behind your back to support in anything you want . I'll do all risk to prove to you how much I love you". He said

" Louis...... I'm..." I don't know what to say then he spoke

"Why ? Is there anyone else who own your heart?" His tone was full of sadness

" No! I'm still single but I think this is so fast to take back our relationship " I explained

" So you don't like me anymore " he looks so down

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