Chapter 25: Jealousy

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Time past by.

Net returned to Thailand because he have just 3 days available on his schedule and he spent it on his lover to support him by attending the 7th anniversary of their band.

And now Net have a hectic schedule but one mistake that he didn't realize when the busyness envelope him he forgot to tell James that he was on busy day and the upcoming weeks to months.

Here James notices his lover ,he thinks what is going on because Net didn't send him any messages and he didn't call him .

A lot of this playing and lingering on his mind .He tried to call him but he can't contact him

"Why his phone was off?"

And here James decided to go to Thailand to know what Net doing.
Finally he have a week vacation and he travel immediately to Thailand.

He wear cap, sunglasses and facemask to hide his identity from paparazzi.

He safely arrived in Thailand.As James sat in the backseat of the cab, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He was determined to find out what was going on with Net and why he had been so distant lately. The cab driver navigated through the busy streets of Thailand, unaware of the turmoil brewing inside James.

As they passed by billboards and advertisements, James glanced out the window and his heart sank. He saw Net's face plastered on billboards alongside Kim, their smiles bright and their chemistry undeniable.

Finally, the cab pulled up in front of their  condo building. James paid the driver and stepped out, his heart pounding in his chest. He made his way to the elevator, his mind racing with thoughts .

James, upon entering his apartment, immediately shed his public facade, removing his facemask and eyeglasses. He changed into more comfortable clothes, trying to relax, but his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts about Net and Kim.

He sank down onto his couch and flicked on the TV. The news was on, and the anchor was talking about "NetKim", praising their undeniable chemistry. James could feel a knot of jealousy forming in his stomach.

"Unbelievable," he muttered to himself, his fingers tapping restlessly on his knee.

Unable to resist, he grabbed his phone and logged into his unofficial account. He scrolled through posts about Net and Kim, their pictures together, their sweet moments, and the fans' comments admiring their relationship. The knot in his stomach tightened.

"Why do they love them so much?" James found himself saying aloud, "I'm Net's boyfriend, not Kim. It's just fanservice, for heaven's sake."

Realization dawned on him then. He corrected himself, whispering into the silence of his apartment, "But they don't know that. They don't know about us, Net."

He sighed heavily, feeling a wave of sadness wash over him. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. He let the phone slip from his fingers and onto the couch as he buried his face in his hands, his body shaking with sobs.

Eventually, exhaustion took over. He moved to his bed, his cries subsiding into quiet sniffles. As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, he felt a wave of sleepiness wash over him. His eyelids became heavy and he let them close, welcoming the oblivion of sleep as an escape from his turbulent emotions.

The next day, James was abruptly awakened by a phone call. He groggily picked up the phone, only to find that it was Net on the other end of the line.

James, still in a state of jealousy and anger, couldn't help but lash out. "Why are you calling me now? Why didn't you have any time to tell me what was going on?" he questioned, his voice filled with frustration.

Net, taken aback by James's tone, tried to explain himself. "I'm sorry, James. Things got really hectic this past month, and I couldn't find the right time to talk to you. I wanted to explain everything," Net pleaded, his voice filled with remorse.

James, feeling the weight of his emotions, told Net to meet him at their condo  that night.

"Just come to my condo tonight. We need to talk," James said, his voice firm and determined.

Net, feeling a mix of shock and worry, asked James where he was at the moment. James responded, "I'm at our condo in Bangkok."


Net POV:

I was shocked to learn that James was already in Bangkok, and it seemed like he was angry with me. I hurriedly finished my work, feeling a sense of urgency to resolve the tension between us. It was already 7pm when I rushed to the condo, my mind filled with worry and uncertainty.

I took a moment to fix myself up, wanting to make a good impression and show James how much I cared. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, I knocked on his door, hoping that we could talk things through and find a resolution.

When James opened the door, I could see the anger in his eyes. He immediately closed the door behind me, creating a sense of isolation. I extended the bouquet towards him, hoping to ease the tension, but all he said was a curt "thank you." When I tried to embrace him, he pushed me away, uttering the words that shattered my heart: "Let's break up."

The weight of those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I stood there, unable to speak, feeling my world crumbling around me. I mustered the strength to ask him why, desperate for an explanation.

"Just because ..... Because that's what I want," James replied, his voice was cold and distant. I fought back tears, trying my best to keep my composure, as I continued to press him for answers. The pain of not knowing, of not understanding why what's happening.

James confronted me, asking why I hadn't been in touch over the past month. I could see the hurt in his eyes, and I knew I had to explain everything to him.

"James," I began, my voice low and full of regret. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my hectic schedule. I was cast in a movie and we were on a lock-in shoot. They didn't allow us to use any gadgets so we could focus on our preparation and filming. They even confiscated my phone and turned it off. I made a mistake by not telling you about this and I'm sorry for making you worry."

James didn't seem convinced. "And what about Kim?" he asked, his voice filled with annoyance. "You two look good together. You're so sweet with each other and your fans really love you both."

I could see the jealousy in his eyes. I knew I had to reassure him, to make him understand that what he saw was just for show.

"James," I said, moving closer to him. "What you see between me and Kim is just fanservice. You know this because you've been in the same situation."

James didn't respond, so I took the opportunity to hug him. "I'm sorry, James. There's nothing between me and Kim. Please don't listen to what others say. Just believe in me."

As I looked at James, I saw a tear fall from his eye. I wiped it away and reassured him. "I'm sorry if you feel this way, but I want you to know that you're my one and only love."

He finally hugged me back, apologizing for his outburst. I gently rubbed his back, trying to soothe him. "So, do you still want to break up with me, even after knowing all this?"

"Do you want to?" he asked, looking up at me. "Of course not," I replied, pulling him closer.

We spent the rest of the night talking about what had happened, our bodies entwined as we found comfort in each other's arms.

James POV:

As I saw Net peacefully sleeping, an idea sparked in my mind. I quietly reached for my phone and snapped a picture of us, making sure to capture our intertwined hands. It was a sweet and intimate moment that I wanted to remember.

Feeling mischievous, I carefully took Net's phone and used his finger to unlock it. I wanted to reciprocate the surprise he had given me earlier. With a playful grin, I took pictures of us, making sure to capture his face clearly while obscuring mine, creating a "guess who" effect.(My face was not revealed)

With a mischievous twinkle in my eye, I opened his X account and posted our picture, adding the caption "Happy to be with you." I wanted to share our love with the world, even if it meant keeping my identity a mystery. After posting, I silently returned his phone to its original place.

Feeling a sense of excitement, I opened my own Instagram account and shared a story with the picture of our hands holding each other tightly. The caption read, "Holding you tightly." I wanted to express my love for Net, even if it was just through a simple image.

Satisfied with my antics, I drifted off to sleep. However, my slumber was interrupted by someone waking me up. It was Net, holding his phone and looking both surprised and amused. He asked, "Hon, what did you do?" I couldn't help but smirk, replying, "Did you like it?"

I wanted to bring a smile to his face and show him that I was just as playful and spontaneous as he was. Little did I know that our picture had gone viral, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in knowing that our love had touched the hearts of others.


Hope you like it 🖤🤍
To be continued

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