Chapter 24: Spending time

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Under the dimly lit night sky, the parking lot was nearly empty. The last echoes of the concert were fading into the night, and the fans were slowly dispersing. Net sat in his car, alone, waiting for his lover, James. His heart was pounding with anticipation and a touch of fear. He knew that their relationship had to remain a secret, for the sake of their career.

His phone buzzed, breaking the silence. It was a message from James,asking him where he was.

"I'm here waiting in the parking area, Hon 😊. Don't worry about me, take your time with your fans and enjoy. BTW. congratulations 😘" he replied

Net's heart swelled with love.Then James as his  lover to eat first.

He quickly replied with a heart emoji, "Ok, I'll find food first and tell me when you're done."

He drove to a nearby restaurant, keeping his face hidden behind a mask. He ate in the VIP room, away from prying eyes. After paying his bill, he returned to his car, only to find a new message from James, asking him to go to his condo and wait for him there.

Net followed the instructions and drove to the given address. He parked his car and settled in for another wait. The night grew late, and he fell asleep, only to be awakened by a phone call. It was James, asking where he was.

"I'm here in the parking area, waiting for you," Net said, his voice groggy from sleep. He donned his mask, stepped out of the car, and looked around, trying to spot James. He pressed the car key, and the vehicle's lights flashed, illuminating the area around him.

"I see you," James' voice came from the phone, "Come to the elevator on the left side near your car."

Net locked his car and hurried towards the elevator. As soon as he saw James, his heart raced. Under the harsh fluorescent light of the elevator, James looked tired but happy.

They wanted to embrace, to hold each other, but they knew they couldn't. The CCTV in the elevator was a reminder of the world that was watching, a world that wouldn't understand their love. So they stood apart, their eyes speaking volumes that their bodies couldn't. The elevator ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, filled with unspoken words and shared understanding.

As they reached James' unit, they finally allowed themselves a moment of respite, a moment of love, away from the prying eyes of the world.

As the door to James' unit closed behind them, they found themselves enveloped in the comforting silence of their own little world. Their eyes met, and in that moment, all the unsaid words and suppressed emotions came rushing out. Net pulled James into a tight hug, his heart pounding against James' chest.

"I'm so proud of you, Hon," Net whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to James' forehead. The warmth of his words seemed to seep into James, melting away the exhaustion of the night.

"Thank you, Hon," James murmured, his voice hoarse with fatigue. "And I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." His apology was cut short as Net pulled him into another hug, his arms wrapping around James like a protective shield.

"It's okay, Hon," Net assured, his voice was soft and soothing. "Let's get some sleep. It's already 3 in the morning."

Net could feel the exhaustion seeping into James' bones. The adrenaline from the performance had worn off, leaving behind a profound tiredness. He gently guided James to the bed, their bodies moving in sync as they lay down.

As James snuggled into Net's arms, his breathing began to slow, his body relaxing into the comfort of Net's embrace. Net watched as James' eyelids fluttered closed, sleeping claiming him swiftly. He brushed a stray lock of hair from James' forehead, pressing a soft kiss there.

"Sleep well, Hon," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Have sweet dreams."

With that, he closed his eyes, allowing the rhythm of James' breathing to lull him into a peaceful sleep. Their hearts beat in sync, two souls intertwined in the quiet of the night, hidden away from the world.

The sun was high in the sky when James finally stirred from his sleep. He blinked his eyes open, squinting against the bright light filtering through the curtains. His heart sank as he found the bed empty.

"Net, are you there? Where are you?" he called out, his voice hoarse from last night's performance.

"I'm here," Net's voice echoed from the other room. He appeared at the bedroom door, a soft smile on his face. He climbed back into bed, wrapping his arms around James. "You're finally awake. Let's eat, it's already lunch time."

But James only tightened his grip on Net, murmuring, "Give me a minute."

Net nodded, allowing James the comfort of his embrace. After a few minutes, they finally got up and moved to the dining table. Net heated up the food while James sat waiting.

However, their peaceful moment was interrupted by the sudden ringing of the doorbell. James' eyes widened in panic.

"Net, hide!" he hissed, helping Net scramble into the closet and close the closet door.

Once Net was hidden, James took a deep breath and opened the door. His manager stood there, her face stern. She was invited in and took a seat on the sofa.

They talked about James' career, about an upcoming endorsement with a luxury brand. James was thrilled at the opportunity, but his joy was marred by the constant worry for Net, hidden away in the closet.

Suddenly, a noise from the closet made them both freeze. Net had accidentally bumped into the wall, causing some clothes and items to fall. James quickly covered up the noise, blaming it on his messy closet.

The conversation continued, but James' attention was divided. When his manager asked for water, he nodded absentmindedly, only to be caught off guard by her next question.

"James, why do you have two plates here at the table?"

James' heart pounded in his chest. "I... I just wanted to have two plates, that's all," he stammered.

His manager seemed suspicious, but she didn't press further. Instead, she reminded

"James just focus on your career and not to let any distractions get in the way. "

With that, she left.

As soon as the door closed, James rushed to the closet, opening it to find Net sitting on the floor, covered in clothes. He helped Net up, apologizing profusely as he wiped away the sweat from Net's forehead.

Net just smiled and suggested they continue their meal. As they ate, James couldn't help but notice the silence hanging between them. After they finished eating, Net took over the cleaning while James went to take a bath.

After his bath, James emerged from the bathroom to find Net standing by the glass wall, staring out at the city below. He was unusually quiet, his face etched with worry. James approached him, wrapping his arms around Net from behind.

"Hon, what's the problem? You've been quiet since my manager left," James asked, his voice filled with concern.

Net turned around to face James, his hands gently stroking James' wet hair. "I heard what your manager said... about focusing on your career and not letting anyone block your way," Net admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

James' heart sank at Net's words. "Hon, is that why you've been quiet?"

Net nodded, his eyes filled with sadness. But before he could say anything more, James cut him off.

"I don't want to let you go. You're not blocking my way, you're helping me. You make everything easier," James reassured him, his eyes shining with sincerity. "I love you, and I will never let you go."

Net's eyes widened at James' words, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you, Hon. I'm sorry for overthinking earlier. I just... I don't want to ruin your career. I was worried after what your manager said."

James chuckled, pulling Net into a tight hug. "Don't overthink, Hon. I can handle this, and I won't let you go."

For the rest of the day, they stayed in each other's arms, talking about their days, their worries, their dreams. They found comfort in each other's presence, their love a beacon of hope amidst the challenges they faced. Despite the world outside, they had each other, and that was all that mattered.

To be continued 🖤🤍

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