Chapter 18: His back

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After 5 years .

James and his group having a concert tour in their homeland, Thailand, must be an incredibly exciting moment for both them and their fans.

The fans' happiness and enthusiasm are palpable, as they eagerly await the arrival of their beloved idols.

As James and the group arrive at the airport, the scene becomes electric with excitement. Fans go wild as they catch a glimpse of their favorite stars. It's heartwarming to see that, despite the frenzy, the fans maintain their Thai behavior by standing in the designated areas and respectfully taking pictures.

The admiration and amazement in James and the group's eyes as they witness the warm welcome from their fans are truly special. The love and support from their homeland must be a source of great pride for them. They take the opportunity to strike poses and capture the unforgettable moment with their fans.

After soaking in the warm welcome, it's time for James and the group to bid farewell to their fans as they board their van. It must be bittersweet for both the fans and the artists, but this is just the beginning of an incredible concert tour that will create cherished memories for everyone involved.

The dedication and love shown by the fans and the appreciation and gratitude expressed by James and the group create a beautiful bond between them. It's moments like these that make the journey worthwhile for both the artists and their fans.

James is sitting in a van, glancing outside with excitement as they make their way to the hotel. His band is finally having their first-ever concert in their homeland, and James can't contain his joy. He's been waiting for this moment for a long time. And this was their last stop during this tour .

Fast forward

The day of the highly anticipated concert has finally arrived. James and his bandmates, along with thousands of excited fans, gather at the venue. The atmosphere is electric, filled with anticipation and excitement.

James:( looking around at the crowd) Wow, look at all these fans! It's a sold-out concert! This is going to be incredible!

Josh: I know, James! The energy here is off the charts! I can feel the excitement in the air. We're about to witness something truly special tonight.

[The lights dim, and the stage comes alive with vibrant colors and flashing lights. The crowd erupts into cheers and applause.]

James: raising his hands Are you ready, everyone?! Let's make some noise and show our love for our favorite band!

Crowd:( cheering and screaming)

[The band takes the stage, and the crowd's excitement reaches new heights. James jumps up and down, pumping his fists in the air, and the fans follow suit.]

James: Come on, everyone! Sing along with me! Let's make this the loudest concert they've ever had!

Crowd: (singing along at the top of their lungs)

[As the band performs their hit songs, James continues to hype up the crowd, encouraging them to dance, jump, and sing along. The energy in the venue is electrifying.]

James: This is what we've been waiting for, everyone! Let's show the band how much we appreciate their music! Keep the energy up!

Crowd: (chanting the band's name and cheering)

[The band feeds off the energy of the crowd, delivering an unforgettable performance. The fans are completely immersed in the music, jumping, dancing, and singing along with every song.]

Keith: James, this is incredible! Look at the smiles on everyone's faces. We're all united by the power of music.

James: Absolutely, Keith. It's moments like these that remind us of the magic that music can create. We're all connected through our love for this band and their music.

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