Chapter 27: Decision

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In the hushed silence of the departing dawn, James watched as Net, his beloved, walked away from him. His heart ached with a pain so profound it felt like a physical wound. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision, but he didn't bother to wipe them away.

His mother, a stern, unyielding figure, stood nearby, her face devoid of any sympathy or concern. "James, wipe your tears and let's go," she said, her voice as cold as the morning breeze.

With a heavy heart, James followed his mother and sister to the car where Yok's boyfriend was waiting. The ride to the airport was a silent one, each of them lost in their own thoughts. The tension was palpable, a stark contrast to the serene early morning outside.

Upon their arrival at the airport, James and his mother continued their silence, the unspoken words between them hanging heavily in the air. Time seemed to stretch endlessly as they sat side by side on the plane, each absorbed in their own world.

Once they landed in Korea, James' manager was waiting for them. His face was serious as he greeted them, "James, the company wants you to deny all the issues circulating online. It's for your own good," he said.

Before James could respond, his mother intervened, "Don't worry, manager, I'll talk to him." With that, the manager left them alone.

In the privacy of his condo, James' mother turned to him, her expression stern. "Listen, son, this is for your own sake. Do what the company wants and don't make any mistakes," she said before retiring to her own room.

Left alone, James retreated to his room, the weight of the day crashing down on him. Tears streamed down his face as he whispered to himself, "What's wrong with being in love? He's the one who understands me, the one I want to spend my life with." His words echoed in the empty room, a poignant reminder of the love he had lost. His sobs were the only sound in the otherwise silent condo, a testament to the heartache that came with love and loss.

The next day

The following day, the company James worked for- released a statement addressing the rumors swirling around him. The news articles categorically denied the dating rumors between Net and James, stating that they were just good friends. They implored fans to stop spreading false rumors.

The reaction from fans was mixed. Some were relieved, expressing their happiness that their idol was not in a relationship.

However, the NJ nation, a group of die-hard fans, refused to believe the company's statement and continued to assert that James and Net were more than just friends.

James was summoned to the company for a press conference. He could feel a knot of anxiety in his stomach as he walked down the company hallway. His manager approached him, asking if he was ready. James simply nodded, but his pounding heart betrayed his nervousness.

As he entered the conference room, he was greeted by a sea of faces. Reporters from various media outlets were present, their cameras trained on him. He took a seat next to his manager, plastering a smile on his face.

The questioning began almost immediately. "What do you think about your career after the issue became a hot topic online?" one reporter asked.

James responded with a curt, "It's always good."

Another reporter chimed in, "James, can we ask you personally, is it true that you and Net are just friends as your company stated?"

James felt his heart clench. He remained silent as the reporter repeated the question. He glanced at the corner of the room where his mother was watching him. The look in her eyes was a silent plea for him to deny the relationship.

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