Chapter 21: Giving a chance

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James sat by the bedside, gently brushing away a stray lock of hair from Net's face. The room was dim, with only the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting long shadows on their faces. Net was sleeping peacefully, a stark contrast to the turmoil James was feeling inside.

A single tear trickled down James' cheek, splashing onto the back of his hand. The sight of Net, so calm and serene, tugged at his heartstrings and guilt washed over him like a tidal wave.

Suddenly, Net stirred, his eyes fluttering open to meet James' tear-filled gaze. He frowned, his voice raspy from sleep, "James, why are you crying?"

James quickly wiped his tears away, shaking his head in response. He didn't want to burden Net with his guilt, not when he was still recovering.

Net, however, wasn't convinced. He propped himself up on his elbows, his gaze never leaving James', "You can't fool me, James. What's wrong?"

James hesitated, before finally letting out a shaky breath, "I... I'm sorry, Net. I've broken you... and I... I didn't mean to."

Net remained silent, his expression unreadable. The silence was deafening, amplifying the beating of James' heart.

"I need you, Net," James finally broke the silence, his voice barely a whisper. "I need you back."

Net's gaze softened, but the question he asked next caught James off guard, "Do you need me because you love me, James, or do you love me because you need me?"

James was taken aback, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find an answer.

Net: (Looking at James, a question burning in his eyes) "Do you need me because you love me, James, or do you love me because you need me?"

James: (Taken aback, heart pounding) ...

(Net, not receiving any answer, starts to get up. James quickly reaches out, pulling Net into a hug from behind.)

James: "Net, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for breaking up with you. I love you, and that's why I need you. I want us to be together again. And I know... I know you still love me too."

Net: "James, loving me because you feel that way is different from loving me because I love you."

James: "I... I love you, Net. I love you because that's what I feel for you."

Net: "Then why, James? Why did you end our relationship if you love me?"

James: "I was scared, Net. Scared that if people found out about us, it would ruin our careers. I felt like I had no choice."

James sat nervously on the edge of his bed, his room filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Net stood near the window, gazing out at the night sky, lost in their thoughts. James took a deep breath, gathering his courage to speak.

James: Net, I know I've hurt you deeply, and I can't express how sorry I am for that. I miss the old days when your smile was genuine, and I was the reason it faded away. But can you find it in your heart to give me another chance? I want to put that smile back on your face.

Net turned to face James, their eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and contemplation. They took a moment to respond, their voice filled with wisdom.

Net: James, every pain gives a lesson, and every lesson changes a person. I've learned a lot from what we've been through. It's not easy to forget the hurt, but I understand that people make mistakes.

James felt a wave of sadness wash over him as he absorbed Net's words. He had hoped for a different response, but he knew he had to accept responsibility for his actions. After a brief silence, James spoke again, his voice filled with remorse.

James: Net, I'm tired of trying to explain my side. I accept that all of it was my fault. The hardest thing I've ever done was to walk away from you, still madly in love. I'm sorry for everything, and breaking up with you didn't mean I stopped loving you. I didn't even realize it until it was too late. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, but at that time, I felt like I had no other option.

Net's eyes filled with tears, their voices trembling as they responded to James' heartfelt confession.

Net: So, I'm the best option that will never be prioritized? Is that it, James?

James shook his head, his voice filled with sincerity and determination.

James: No, Net, it's not like that at all. I found my happiness in you, and I want to be comfortable with you. You are my priority, and I promise to show you that.

Net's eyes widened, a glimmer of hope shining through their tears. However, they couldn't help but voice their fears.

Net: James, I've been through a lot, and I'm scared to attach myself to someone again, to show my affection and risk losing myself once more.

Unable to bear Net's pain any longer, James kneeled down before them, taking Net's hands in his own, and tears streamed down his face as he spoke.

James: Net, please forgive me. I'm truly sorry for everything I've done. I can't bear to see you hurt anymore.

Net gently cupped James' cheek, wiping away his tears, and pleaded with him to stand up.

Net: James, please stop doing this. Okay, I forgive you for everything you've done. But I don't want to see you begging like this. Please, stand up.

Reluctantly, James stood up, his heart filled with gratitude and relief. They both stood facing each other, their emotions raw and vulnerable.

James: You forgive me, right?

Net nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of their lips.

Net: Yes, James. I forgive you.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, James pulled Net into a tight embrace, holding them as if they were the most precious thing in the world.

James: Thank you so much.

As they held each other, a question lingered in James' mind, and he finally mustered the courage to ask.

James: Net?

Net looked up, their eyes filled with curiosity.

Net: Yes?

James: Can we start our relationship again?

Net's expression turned serious, a mix of hesitation and consideration on their face.

Net: James, you told me that you're not allowed to date. It's complicated.

James interrupted before Net could finish their sentence, desperation evident in his voice.

James: I know, but what if we date in private? No one needs to know. Let's keep it between us.

Net sighed, their eyes searching James' face for sincerity.

Net: James, I've been through a lot, and I don't want to be hurt again. But if you promise me it won't happen again, if you truly mean it, then maybe we can give it another try.

They hugged each other tightly, the weight of their past slowly fading away, replaced by hope and the promise of a second chance.

As they embraced, James made a silent promise to himself that he would do everything in his power to make things right this time. He wouldn't let Net go again.

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