Chapter 30: Finale

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In the glow of their wedding, Net and James were brimming with joy and excitement. They had just exchanged their vows, and now it was time to share their happiness with the world. They decided to make a vlog, unboxing the gifts they received from their wedding.

"Hey, everyone!" Net greeted the camera, her eyes sparkling with joy. "We're so excited to share this moment with you. We're about to unbox our wedding gifts!"

James chimed in, "We're so grateful for everything we've received. Let's see what's inside these boxes!"

As they unboxed each gift, their laughter and smiles filled the room. They thanked each guest personally, their gratitude palpable even through the screen.


Seven days later, the couple found themselves aboard a plane, traveling from Thailand to New Zealand for their honeymoon. They were seated next to each other, their hands intertwined. James looked into Net's eyes, whispering, "I can't wait to explore New Zealand with you, love."

Net blushed, squeezing his hand. "Me too, Hon. This is going to be an adventure we'll never forget."

Their destination was the breathtaking Milford Sound, a fjord in the southwest of New Zealand's South Island. Known for its stunning natural beauty, it was the perfect place for the newlyweds to create beautiful memories.

After they check in to their hotel room and take a rest for a while,they need energy to their adventures.
Net and James were awestruck by the towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls. They took a romantic boat ride across the fjord, their hands clasped together as they watched the sun set over the water. James wrapped his arm around Net, pulling her close. "This is just the beginning, Hon. Here's to a lifetime of adventures together."

Net leaned into him, his heart full of love. "To a lifetime," he echoed, his voice filled with happiness. As they watched the last light of the day fade away, they knew that they were starting their new life together in the most beautiful way possible.


After a magical honeymoon in New Zealand, Net and James returned to their home in Thailand. However, as the months passed, they found themselves yearning for a change. They decided to move to London, where Net had a restaurant that he managed.

The day before their departure, Net made a heartfelt announcement to his fans.

"I am leaving my acting career to focus on my family and my restaurant," he shared, his voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. "I hope you understand and continue to support me in this new journey."

His fans showered him with love and support, understanding his decision and wishing him the best in his new endeavor.

Upon their arrival in London, the couple found themselves in a world vastly different from Thailand. The weather was colder, and the city bustled with a different kind of energy. James, who was not fond of cold climates, found himself struggling to adjust.

As the cold London air nipped at his skin, James couldn't help but shiver. "This is going to take some getting used to," he admitted, wrapping his scarf a little tighter around his neck.

Net chuckled, patting his back. "You'll get used to it, love. Just give it some time."

Despite the cold, James was determined to adapt. He knew that this was a new chapter in their lives, and he was ready to face it head-on. He looked at Net, the love of his life, and knew that no matter where they were, as long as they were together, they could weather any storm.

And so, they began their new life in London, filled with hope, love, and anticipation for what the future held for them.

In the heart of London, Net and James were living happily ever after. But like any other couple, they experienced the highs and lows of a relationship. They laughed, they loved, and sometimes, they fought.

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