Chapter 26: Revealed

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Those days change everything.

Fans were going wild with speculation, comparing the size of Kim to the picture he (Net) had posted.

One fan commented, "Is that Kim? He looks different."

Another replied, "No way, that's not Kim. Look at the size comparison next to Net . It's definitely not him."

The debate continued, with fans split between believing it was Kim or not.

Then the next day.

Suddenly, a new post hit the feed, a picture of Net and James together, apparently taken by a fan who spotted them in Pattaya.

The caption read, "Spotted: Net and James together in Pattaya. #NJTogether."

The comments exploded. "It's not Kim, it's James!" one fan exclaimed.

"NJ nation rise! They're finally together!" another wrote.

The NJ national, the fandom of Net and James, was ecstatic. They had been shipping the two together for years, and now it seemed they were finally getting what they wanted.


James was sitting on the edge of the bed, his phone pressed against his ear. Net was laying on the bed, watching him with curious eyes.

"James, why don't you be careful? You know what's going on right now, right?" The voice on the other end of the line was stern, clearly upset.

"Why?" James responded, his voice filled with confusion.

"You know this could affect your career, but you didn't pay attention to it."

"What are you talking about?" James asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Look at what's going on. Check all social media platforms. It's trending all over that you and Net are now in a relationship."

James didn't answer. He could feel a knot forming in his stomach.

"Go back to Korea to clean this mess up and don't say anything to the media. Let the company try to solve this."

"But..." James started, but the voice on the other end cut him off.

"No buts, James. Just do as I say." And with that, the call ended.

Net looked at James, concern etched on his face. "Who was that?"

"My manager," James replied, his voice filled with sadness. "She wants me to go back to Korea."


"Someone captured us and posted it on social media. It's going viral, Net. They want me to talk about it."

"So, what are you going to do?" Net asked him.

"I don't know," he answered, feeling helpless.

Just then, his phone rang again. James got up and walked to the living area to take the call.

"Hello, mom?"

"James, what are you doing? Are you and Net really together?" His mother's voice was filled with disbelief.

"Mom, please listen..."

"James, listen to me. I'll be waiting for you at the airport tomorrow. I'm going with you to Korea. Your manager keeps calling me to tell you to go back to Korea immediately. No buts, James. I've already got the tickets." And then she hung up.

James was left standing there, phone in hand, unsure of what to do next and how to tell Net about the situation that his mother was also upset.

He went to the bedroom and talk to Net in calm voice.James take a deep breath before he speaks.

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