Chapter ii - My feeling 💔

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James POV:

I woke up early this morning because I used to and I slept early last night. It's already 5am and I'm done eating breakfast and I feel so bored so I just go to another room (which I draw and paint ).

"Ok!since I have nothing to do and I haven't even scheduled to work so I will make some designs for my black Daisy ( he had a clothing line)"I told myself.
And time flies and it's already 7 am and I'm done doing it I send it to my sister Yok to approve it or if she has another this so add on it . After I sent it I was myself in the bathroom and got dressed and I opened the tv.
"What episode I am in ( THE WHOLE TRUTH) " I told myself and opened the Netflix app on my tv. Yeah here I am chillin in the morning and suddenly n'Yok call me.
📱:" hey !what's up ?are you ok?" In concern voice

"Yes !absolutely I am" i replied "by the way did you check my email to you about our new collection design (black Daisy)?" I continued

📱: "yeah! I already checked it.and are you sure you are alright? Did net talk to you na?"

" Yok what happening to you I just told you that I am ok! Hahaha or did you just miss me? And what about P'net?"

📱:" So you didn't know?"

"So what is it all about on P'net, Yok?"

📱: "open your X and other social media apps "

"Ok !bye "I replied and end the call

When I open the X app there are a lot of notifications I got it from tagging so I got confused, why is this so suddenly like flooding tags? Why they are tagging me ? I don't have any event or something today .So I click my notification and I got shocked when there's a lot of # about P'net . I checked it One by one as of my curiosity goes. Some of those are saying that p" was cheated on me",

"Poor James "
"Oh!they just doing fanservice"
"Net feel bored to James "
"NetJames are now sinking "
"Btw the girl was gorgeous "
"They look good to each other "

Those are some comments that I opened and it's trending here in Thailand. And the moment I continued reading I didn't notice that my tears were falling down from my eyes, continuously.

I can't even stop my tears.I scolded myself to stop, not until I felt headache. I suddenly felt as if there was a knife stabbing on my chest, I can't explain it,it so painful. And a minute past,I just looked at myself in the mirror . I was talking my self at the mirror then suddenly my phone rang . It's p'aof.

"Yes ,p'"
📱: "James can you come here at the headquarters? I just want to talk to you in person "

I get what he said so I replied" yes p' I'm just fix my self and go there "

📱"Ok bye then ,be careful on your way".and he ended up the call

I took a long breath "inhale""exhale "
I go to my closet and pick up jeans and a t-shirt.I took my shoes and some staff and put in my little bag.
I took a taxi and an hour passed ,I arrived in front of the building. And I used the elevator and went to p'aof office then suddenly I felt so nervous when I held the doorknob and from my place which is out side the office I heard everything. That p' want to announce it on public that he is happily dating . I didn't know what to do. I just stand there about an hour and I felt my heartache .I hardly try to control myself from crying and when I turned around, I saw p'ker on her way to p'aof office.
"Oh!James are you ok?" She asked me
"Yes p' I was" I replied and excuse myself and went to elevator. I press the button to ground floor. And I went out from the building and I took a taxi to go home .
When I was in my place I was crying unstoppable like a baby. I don't know why it hurt me so badly. Why does it hurt me when he said he was happy on that girl.

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