Chapter 28: Fighting together

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Net arrived at the airport, tired from his journey but eager to see his lover, James. He quickly dialed James' number, his heart pounding in his chest. The sound of James' voice on the other end of the line was like music to his ears.

James: "Please wait a little bit, Hon.BTW, Where are you?"

Net gave him his location and was reassured when James said he was on his way. As he waited, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous anticipation. He hadn't seen James in a while, and he missed him terribly.

Soon, James spotted Net and called him. As Net answered the call, James instructed him to turn around. Net did as he was told and was greeted by the sight of his lover. He immediately ran towards James and hugged him tightly. However, their reunion was interrupted by a cough.


Net released James from his embrace as he recognized the person who had coughed - it was James' mother. He remembered their last meeting; she had been against their relationship. But now, her demeanor seemed different.

James' mother: "Don't do it in public huh!! Someone might see you... If you really miss each other, just do it in private."

Net was taken aback by her words. He turned to James, confused.

James: "Don't worry, Net. I got approval from mom."

Net: "For what?"

James: "Our relationship."

Net could hardly believe what he was hearing. He stared at James, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

James' mother: "Hmmmm. Stop staring at my son. I know that he is gorgeous. Let's get inside your car."

Net: "Khrub."

They all got into Net's car, with James and his mother sitting in the backseat. Upon reaching James' condo, Net helped them carry their belongings inside.

While James was in the room, Net went back to his car to get the rest of James' belongings. On his way back, he saw James' mother standing outside the door. She motioned for him to come over.

James' mother: "Can we talk for a while?"

Net nodded and followed her to a quieter area.

James' mother: "Net, I warn you. If you love my son, don't you ever try to hurt him or do anything bad to him. Even though I'm not a perfect mother, I love my children. I don't want to see them hurting because of love. Give him the best as you can and if you get tired of him, please let him go and don't make him feel stupid. I will support your relationship because it makes my son happy. I will give you the responsibility to make my son safe and happy. Can you do that for me?"

Net, his heart full of joy and relief, smiled broadly at James' mother. His words were sincere as he thanked her for her acceptance and support.

Net: "Thank you for giving us your blessing. I promise you, I will love James for the rest of my life. I will do everything for him. Even if you hadn't asked me to, I would still do it because I truly love your son."

James' mother, touched by Net's words, smiled back at him. "Thank you for making my son happy," she said.

Once she had left, Net couldn't help but smile widely. He felt a sense of peace and content washing over him. He knew that he and James could now face the future together without fear.

After a minute, he went to James' room and placed their belongings in a corner. As he was arranging their things, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. He turned around to see James, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

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