Chapter 16: Partway

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Before the announcement of James withdrawing from the upcoming series, an unexpected incident occurs. James accidentally falls down the stairs and is taken to the hospital alone. As news of the incident spreads, fans begin to speculate that this may have been the reason behind his decision to give up the series with Net.

Concerned fans express their worry and send messages of support to James, hoping for his quick recovery. They understand that accidents can happen to anyone, and they sympathize with the challenges James may be facing.

In situations like these, it's crucial to respect the privacy of the individuals involved and wait for official statements or updates from reliable sources. It's natural for fans to speculate and try to make sense of unexpected events, but it's important to approach such situations with empathy and understanding.

As fans, it's important to send positive thoughts and well wishes to James during his recovery. The focus should be on supporting him and his well-being, rather than jumping to conclusions or making assumptions about the reasons behind his decision.

Let's hope for James' swift recovery and for both him and Net to find happiness and success in their respective paths.

As the days turn into weeks and then months, Net continues his search for a new actor to portray the character of Nakhun/Klao in the series that James was originally supposed to be a part of. Net is determined to find the right person who can bring the character to life and create a strong on-screen chemistry with him.

Net puts in a great deal of effort and dedication into the casting process, ensuring that he finds someone who shares his passion for acting and is comfortable working alongside him. He understands the importance of finding a partner who not only fits the role but also has a genuine connection and compatibility with him.

Throughout this period, Net keeps his fans updated on his progress and assures them that he is doing his best. He acknowledges the disappointment and longing they may feel for the on-screen partnership between him and James, but he remains committed to delivering a series that will captivate and touch the hearts of the viewers.

Net's determination to find the right actor reflects his professionalism and dedication to his craft. He wants to create a series that will resonate with the audience and showcase the chemistry and talent of the new screen partner he chooses.

Net's search is not solely focused on finding someone who can fill James' shoes, but also on finding a partner who shares his passion and dedication to the acting career. He wants to establish a comfortable and collaborative working environment, where both he and his new screen partner can bring out the best in each other.

As Net continues his search, he remains grateful for the unwavering support of his fans. He understands their longing for the on-screen pairing with James, but he hopes that they will give the new actor a chance and embrace the fresh dynamics that will be brought to the series.

Net's commitment to finding the right person for the role demonstrates his professionalism and respect for his craft. He wants to deliver a series that will not only entertain but also leave a lasting impact on the audience.

By implementing these measures, Net ensures that the new actor will have the opportunity to establish a strong on-screen chemistry with him. Through careful casting, open communication, rehearsals, and a supportive working environment, Net aims to create a compelling and captivating on-screen partnership that will engage and resonate with the audience.

After withdrawing from the upcoming series, James remains in the same management as Net but travels to Korea to focus on practicing and preparing for his upcoming debut as a Kpop idol. He dedicates himself to his training, determined to showcase his talent and prove to the world that his decision was the right one.

In Korea, James immerses himself in the rigorous training required to become a Kpop idol. He spends countless hours honing his singing, dancing, and performance skills, pushing himself to new limits. His dedication and hard work shine through as he strives to excel in every aspect of his training.

James embraces the challenges and demands of the Kpop industry, fully committed to realizing his dream. He understands that success in this field requires immense dedication, perseverance, and continuous improvement. He takes every opportunity to learn from experienced mentors and fellow trainees, absorbing their guidance and feedback to further enhance his abilities.

Through his unwavering focus and determination, James aims to prove to himself and others that his decision to pursue a career as a Kpop idol was the right path for him. He aspires to make a mark in the industry, showcasing his unique talents and captivating the hearts of fans with his performances.

While James is physically distant from Net during this time, their connection and support for each other remain strong. They continue to communicate and encourage one another, sharing their progress and experiences. Net remains a source of inspiration for James, and he draws strength from their unwavering bond.

As James prepares for his upcoming debut, he remains grateful for the support and love he has received from his fans. He is determined to make them proud and show them the results of his hard work and dedication.

With every practice session, every dance routine mastered, and every vocal note perfected, James is one step closer to achieving his dream. He remains focused on his journey, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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