Chapter 23: 🖤🤍

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Early in the morning, James woke up before the sun had fully risen. He tiptoed out of the bedroom, careful not to wake Net. In the kitchen, he prepared a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast, a rich aroma soon filling the room.

Once everything was ready, he returned to the bedroom. He gently shook Net, wrapping his arms around him.

"Hon, wake up na," he whispered, "Let's eat breakfast."

Net slowly opened his eyes, a soft smile spreading across his face as he saw James. He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss on James' lips.

"Good morning, Hon," he murmured.

They cuddled for a moment, basking in the warmth of each other before finally getting up. Net freshened up in the bathroom, then joined James at the dining table. They ate in comfortable silence, their smiles speaking volumes.

After breakfast, James took the initiative to clean up. He washed the dishes while Net settled down on the sofa, flicking through TV channels.

Once he was done, James joined Net on the sofa, snuggling close to him. The TV played in the background, but James had something else on his mind.

"Hon, I have to tell you something," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need to go back to Korea tomorrow."

Net turned to look at him, surprise evident in his eyes.

"I don't want to,but I need to" James quickly reassured him. "But I have some unavoidable work commitments."

Net nodded, understanding. He pulled James into a tight hug.

"It's okay, Hon. I understand. I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow."

Their conversation ended on a bittersweet note, but they found comfort in each other's arms, cherishing the time they still had together.

A few hours later, Net helped James arrange his things for his flight tomorrow.

Then they take a bath together in the bathroom, while they were in the bathtub, James was laying on top of Net while he was moving up and down. Even though they are wet, their body feels very warm. James had both hands holding on the edge of the bathtub while Net's hands were holding on James waist.

But he couldn't get into the bathtub so Net  invited him to the shower room. While they were going there they didn't press their lips together to kiss.

They turned on the shower and continued what they were doing, Net, James turned him back and they continued. They were moaning  about what they were doing.

Because the impact of Net's movement was strong, James' hands were placed on the glass wall of the shower room to help him balance because his knees were getting weak and shaking.

Because Net felt that James's knees were getting weak, he led him to the bed. He carried her like a child while James held his neck tightly.

He laid James down slowly and they continued what they were doing. James' hands are on Net's back and because of the pleasure he feels he can't stop scratching and Net's back has a mark because of his hand.

They also had several rounds before finishing. They were very tired and their bodies were weak while catching their breath. After a few minutes they went to the bathroom to clean their bodies.

Then they got dressed and Net changed the blanket and bedsheets and they lay down. They don't sleep because they want to make the most of every time they spend while they were together.

As the sun began to rise, James and Net found themselves wrapped in each other's arms.

"Morning already?" James murmured, his voice muffled by Net's shoulder.

"It seems so," Net replied, pulling away slightly to look at James. "Time flies when you're with someone you love."

After a quiet breakfast, James began packing his things and went to bathroom. Net, meanwhile, busied himself with cleaning the room.

"Hon, you don't have to do that," James called from the bathroom.

"I want to," Net replied, his voice echoing from the kitchen area. "It keeps my mind off things."

On their way to the airport, Net drove with one hand while his other held James's. At the airport, they donned facemasks to avoid being recognized by paparazzi. They spent their waiting time in the VIP lounge, enjoying each other's company.

"I'll be right back," Net said suddenly, standing up. James noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Hon?" he called, but Net had already disappeared into the restroom. Concerned, James followed him.

"Hon, is there something wrong?" James asked, finding Net in front of the mirror.

Net turned around, his eyes red. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around James.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered.

James hugged him back tightly. "I'll call you whenever I can, okay? I'll make sure we stay in touch, I promise."


James settled into his seat on the plane, pulling out his phone to snap a quick picture. He sent it to Net with a quick message: "About to take off. I didn't sleep last night, so I'm going to try and catch some sleep. Talk to you soon."

Meanwhile, Net was driving home. At a red light, he saw the message notification and quickly read it. A small smile spread across his face as he typed back, "Rest well and have a safe flight, Hon."

Back on the plane, James read the message, turned off his phone, and drifted off to sleep.


Once James landed in Korea and reached his condo, he immediately dialed Net's number while changing into comfortable clothes. He plopped onto his soft bed, a small frown on his face when Net didn't pick up the phone. After the third call, Net finally answered.

"Hon, what's wrong?" Net asked, noticing James' sulky expression.

"You didn't pick up immediately," James pouted.

Net laughed and ran a hand through his wet hair.

"Sorry, I was taking a bath. Didn't hear the phone."

James eyed Net's wet hair and nodded, his pout fading. They chatted for a while, until James' eyelids started to droop. Net watched as James fell asleep, his face peaceful.

He didn't make a sound, just watched his lover sleep, his own eyes growing heavy. The video call was still on as they both drifted off to sleep, thousands of miles apart but connected in their hearts.


Over the months, James and Net made it a point to call each other whenever they had the time. They understood that their work schedules were hectic, but they always found a way to make it work.


Two years later, James and his band were celebrating their 7th anniversary. They had just released a new album and were about to hold a concert.

The tickets sold out in record time, and the energy in the venue was electric.

"Thank you all for being here tonight!" James shouted into his microphone, his bandmates echoing his sentiments. The crowd roared in response, their excitement palpable.

As James and his bandmates started throwing signed balls into the crowd, James' eyes landed on a familiar figure. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized Net.

Overwhelmed with happiness, he mouthed 'I love you' from the stage. There was no sound, but he knew Net would understand.

From his seat, Net watched James, his heart swelling with pride. He saw James mouth 'I love you' and his smile widened. He spent the rest of the night watching his lover, proud and happy to be part of his journey.

To be continued 🖤🤍

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