Chapter 22: Love

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James and Net lay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms, finding comfort and solace in their embrace. The weight of the past slowly fading away, they began to chat, their voices filled with warmth and vulnerability.

James: Net, I can't believe how happy I am right now. Despite the mistakes I've made, you still chose to give me a second chance. I'm so grateful for your love.

Net smiled, their eyes filled with warmth and forgiveness.

Net: James, love has a way of healing wounds and bringing us closer. I'm still in love with you too, and I believe in us. We can overcome anything as long as we have each other.

James tightened his embrace around Net, feeling a sense of comfort and joy.

James: You're right, Net. Our love is strong, and it's worth fighting for. I promise to cherish you and make you feel loved every day.

Net's fingers gently traced patterns on James' back, their voice filled with tenderness.

Net: And I promise to support you, to be there for you through thick and thin. We'll navigate this journey together, hand in hand.

As their conversation continued, the topic shifted to James' upcoming return to Korea for his work.

James: Hon, I've been thinking about my return to Korea. It's a big step for me, and I want you to be a part of it. What do you think about us staying connected through chats and calls when I'm away?

Net's eyes lit up with excitement, their voices filled with anticipation.

Net: Hon, I would love that. Technology has made it easier for us to stay connected, no matter the distance. We can chat, video call, and share our experiences even when we're apart.

James smiled, his heart filled with gratitude for Net's understanding and willingness to make their relationship work. And they enjoy calling each other Hon short-term for Honey.

James: I'm glad we're on the same page, Hon. It gives me so much comfort knowing that we can still be a part of each other's lives, even when we're physically apart.

Net's fingers intertwined with James', their voice filled with reassurance.

Net: Distance won't diminish our love, Hon. We'll make the most of the time we have together and cherish every moment. And when we're apart, we'll make sure to create special memories through our chats and calls.

As they lay in each other's arms, they felt a sense of excitement for the future, knowing that their love would transcend any distance or challenge.

James: Hon, I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You've shown me the power of forgiveness and the strength of love. Let's embrace this journey together, supporting each other every step of the way.

Net nestled closer to James, their voice filled with love and determination.

Net: Hon, you're my rock, and I believe in us. Let's continue to grow, to learn, and to create a beautiful future together. Our love knows no boundaries.

As they drifted off to sleep, their hearts filled with hope and the promise of a love that would withstand the tests of time and distance. They knew that no matter where life took them, their connection would remain strong, fueled by their unwavering love and commitment to each other.

After their breakfast, Net informed James that he had an important matter to attend to, and he needed to say goodbye for the time being. James nodded understandingly, even though he longed for more time with his lover. He knew that Net was a busy person, and he respected their commitments. With only five days left before James had to return to Korea, every moment together was precious.

As Net left, James felt a sense of longing to settle in his heart. Even though it had only been an hour since they last saw each other, it felt like an eternity. With nothing else to occupy his mind, James decided to clean his room and redecorate a few things. He placed a picture frame containing a photo of him and Net beside his bed, a constant reminder of their love.

As the hours passed, James eagerly awaited a message from Net, but none came. He felt a wave of sadness wash over him, unable to understand why he hadn't heard from his lover all day. Despite his attempts to sleep, rest eluded him.

Time ticked by, and eventually, James fell into a fitful sleep. It was late at night when he was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. He groggily got out of bed and opened the door, only to be greeted by a stunning bouquet of flowers. Behind the bouquet stood Net, a smile lighting up their face.

Overwhelmed with joy, James pulled Net into a tight embrace, showering them with kisses. He couldn't contain his excitement as he expressed how much he had missed him.

James placed the bouquet on the table and looked at Net, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

James: Why didn't you even text me the entire day, Hon? I was so worried and missed you so much.

Net, realizing their mistake, apologized and explained that they had been caught up in a whirlwind of busyness. James, though still a little sulky, understood and accepted Net's explanation. Their love was strong enough to weather any misunderstandings.

James gently removed Net's necktie and handed them his own clothes, suggesting that they change and get comfortable. As Net changed, they sweetly caught up on each other's day, sharing stories and laughter. The room is filled with the warmth of their love and the joy of being reunited.

In that moment, James realized that the distance and the passing of time couldn't diminish the love they shared. They were determined to make the most of the remaining days together, cherishing every moment and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

On the next day, Net proposed the idea of having a private date, and James couldn't help but feel excited. They embarked on a romantic and intimate outing, savoring every moment together. As they sat down to enjoy their meal, they engaged in heartfelt conversations, catching up on each other's lives and sharing their dreams and aspirations.

The atmosphere was filled with happiness and contentment. James couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be with Net, cherishing the time they spent together. Their bond grew stronger with each passing moment.

After finishing their meal, as they made their way back home, Net's gaze lingered on James, a serious expression on their face.

Net: Hon, I have something I want to discuss with you. When we go on our dates, I'd prefer it if you didn't wear revealing or provocative clothing. I don't want other people to see you in that way.

James looked at Net, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

James: Why is that, Hon? Is there a specific reason?

Net smiled affectionately at James, their voice filled with love and protectiveness.

Net: It's not that, I don't want you to wear that in public . Please wear only those sexy clothes It's just that when we're together here in our room, I want you all to myself. I don't want others to have the chance to see you in a way that should only be reserved for me.

James couldn't help but smile at Net's words, touched by their possessiveness and the depth of their love.

James: I understand, Hon. I appreciate your desire to keep our intimacy private. From now on, I'll save those special outfits for when we're alone together in our room.

Net's eyes sparkled with delight, their voice filled with tenderness.

Net: Thank you, Hon. It means that you understand and respect my feelings. I want our private moments to be just for us, a sacred space where we can fully express our love and desire for each other.

They exchanged a loving gaze, their hearts connected in a deep and profound way. In that moment, they both knew that their love was something special, something worth protecting and cherishing.

And that night they spend more in Intimacy moment .

Missing each other for 5 years past.

You can hear them exchanging kisses throughout the room. humming noises can be heard while they are having sex. Their body is sticky because of the sweat that comes out of their bodies.

Net carried James to the bathroom while not breaking their kiss. Net slowly put James down and he turned on the shower and their bodies were getting wet little by little. Net turned James on his back and he inserted his hard member into his hole again. James moaned as soon as Net entered him, while Net inserted his into James' ass, James turned to putting soap on his body.

Net was addicted to the smell of James' body, so she liked it even more. James growled and said at the same time

"Hon, speed it up, press it more"

When Net heard this, he immediately followed what he wanted. And James was immediately satisfied .

After they finished bathing, they immediately wiped their bodies to dry the water on their bodies and then started a new round until they reach the end at 4:30. They catch their breath and hug each other before finally falling asleep.

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