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Mina shivers as she  takes in the news of being under an attack.

Never in her life has she thought about the possibilities of standing in the middle of a war, with her having the responsibility of protecting her people.

It also doesn't help that south borders are the closest to the capital and if the borders are breached it will take just two hours for enemies to enter the capital and once the capital is captured,
Alavania will be doomed.

Considering only 20 thousands soldiers are stationed at south borders and enemies are in lakhs maybe the borders are already breached.

Is this what happens?
Is this how Alavania sees it's end?
Is she gonna be the reason of Alavania's end?
Because she is incapable of protecting her kingdom.

Her brain freezes and her body feels very heavy to her, it's like her mind and body have stopped cooperating.
Mina feels her breath shortening and her eyes betray her as white spots fill her vision.

"Peach...calm down" Bogum clasps Mina's shoulders, he shakes her lightly in an attempt to bring her back to reality, but his attempts turn futile as Mina's body falls limp in his arms.

Bogum's whole being fills up with anxiety, his own mind running thousand miles at a time.
He carries Mina to the bed and orders one of the maids to call a physician and attend to her.

The guard panics upon seeing the princess's state, his concern for the country's safety is increasing more.
They don't have time to aid a royal family member. If they don't act on time, they will be defeated for sure.

"My lord...two letters are already dispatched to Eucon, one to our king and other to the court of Eucon, we have asked for assistance from both of them, but we don't have time to wait for them.
Seeing Your highness state, I am going to ask  the Former Queen (Bong Cha) for approval" the guard informs as he picks up the letter from the ground.

"Ok..." Bogum says defeated, he isn't in any place to pass orders for the kingdom.

"My lord, a meeting is called you have to attend it" the guard informs before bowing down to Bogum and leaving for Bong Cha's palace to call her.

"Aaaaaaaaah" a shrill scream fills the chamber of Bong Cha, the guards alerted by the voice, barge in the chamber. Their swrods drawn out in precaution. However their blood runs cold when they see the blood covered state of Bong Cha's chamber and two beheaded bodies. The white sheets of the bed have a pool of blood soaked into them. Everything in the chamber is eerily in place, but the whole place is drenched in blood, it's as if somebody sprayed it deliberately on everything.

"Oh heavens..." The guard squeaks out.

"I-i oh-h my god...her highness and a man....d-dead, is...it..is it her highness"
The maid stutters in panic.

The bodies are clearly of a women and  of a man,
The guards detest stepping further into the crime scene, but they do in order to identify the bodies.

Upon inspection they can clearly see a head of a woman lying by the foot of the bed.
One of the guards takes the initiative to identify the head after gathering enough courage.And it is indeed...

"It's her highness Bong Cha" he says.

"Do you find the other head?"  The second guard asks.
" No......but going by the hints, it's obvious it's Prince Jaehyun"  the guard responds.

"Hmm....leave the crime scene, we aren't of authority to examine it" the senior one orders.

"What are we supposed to do now?" One of the guard asks.
Several questions arise on their minds.
No they don't care that Bong Cha and Jaehyun are dead. But they are thinking about whoever killed them so brutally and how did they kill them.

Another concern is that now with Bong Cha's death, they literally have no one to guide the kingdom in the current situations.
Bong Cha no matter how cruel and unhinged was an exceptional leader for leading wars. Under her rule Alavania outstretched their borders rapidly, solely because of war. However people of Alavania disliked Bong Cha's hunger for power, but right now with Dernia attacking them, in absence of their King and the inefficiency of Princess Mina Bong Cha was their last hope.

"Report this to the ministry and investigation bureau" the guard says before ordering everyone out of the chamber.

" Bong Cha and Prince Jaehyun have been murdered and now only you are the one who is of authority, Lord Park " One of the ministers shouts out of frustration, his voice ringing in the court room.
If this situation right here isn't the biggest catastrophy, they don't know what is.
The king has basically abandoned the throne and is living in his own misery, the Princess completely inefficient and the other two royal members gruesomally murdered in the palace.
Everything is falling out of place with no one to gather the pieces.
Their kingdom is under war and they have no king to lead them.

The ministry never thought that Alavania would be abandoned like this.

Bogum keeps quiet at the ministers outburst in an attempt to diffuse the heated situation.
He doesn't know how to counter this situation, he knows nothing about how to strategise a war and here the ministry is telling him to become the chief of army and lead the war.

"I just know how to lift a sword and you are telling me to lead the army" Bogum retorts.

"You have to do this, army needs someone to order them and right now only you have the power and authority" a minister says.

"This isn't a time to fight on this... We should first deploy a battalion to the south borders and then decide about other things. Time is precious for us and if we waste it on such a discourse we will be putting the kingdom in grave danger." Bogum urges the ministry.

"There is no one to lead and order the battalion, hence you should lead them to the south borders Mr Park" several other ministers tune out the same sentence in a single voice, completely disregarding Bogum's words.

Bogum sighs at their words and finally accepts his defeat, if one of the party doesn't take a step back they for sure will loose without even trying and Bogum doesn't wants to give up like this. If this is what it takes then he would do it gladly.

"Ok...ok, i will lead the army" Bogum says with a heavy heart. He knows he is going to regret making this decision but the ministry has left him with no other option.

Mina and his son's face flashes in front of his eyes as he signs  the papers that declare him as the chief of army.
He knows that if he fights in this war there is no way he is surviving.
All of their soldiers are positioned in different states and only 5 lakhs soldiers are positioned in the capital.
It will take around a week for them to gather all of their soldiers and they don't have that much time.
If he leaves with a battalion he can take only up to 3 lakh soldiers with him leaving behind 2 lakhs soldiers to protect the capital, and the enemies are in 10's of lakhs.

They still don't know how Dernia was able to gather such a large army.
If by any chance they will be able to protect the south borders for a week, then only can they win against Dernia.
And protecting the south borders for a week will for sure be a very daunting task...it's almost an impossible task.

"I hope Jungkook was here"Bogum thinks as he mounts on his horse to take off for the south borders along with the battalion...


Chapter isn't proofread there maybe errors...

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