Chapter 4: Revelations

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One thought ran through Naruto's mind as he looked at Karin, Suigetsu, and Jugo.

"This is gonna fucking suuuuck." Naruto thought as he prepared to jump down.

Naruto knew what to expect from Karin, because he had spent some time around her. But Suigetsu and Jugo were wild cards, he didn't know what to expect from them.

"Oi! What the hell do you think you're doing!? I was sleeping." Naruto said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

Instantly Karin's head snapped towards Naruto.

"YOU! YOU GET DOWN HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Karin yelled furiously as she gestured for Naruto to come down.

Just then Sakura walked up behind Naruto.

"What the hell is going out here!?" Sakura said in an irritated tone.

Then she looked down and spotted the remaining members of Team Taka.

"Oh hell this is gonna get ugly," Sakura said as she placed her hand on Naruto's shoulder. "You need me to come down there with you?"

"Nah you just go and keep your parents out of this." Naruto said as he gave Sakura a quick kiss, before he jumped down to the street.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, he had to dodge a punch from Karin.

"STAY STILL YOU BASTARD!" Karin yelled as she tried to hit Naruto, but he easily dodged each one.

Getting tired of dodging Naruto grabbed Karin's fist, effectively stopping her assault. She tried to swing her other fist, but Naruto caught that one too.

"Are you done?" Naruto asked in a bored tone.

Karin just growled and tried to headbutt Naruto, but he just leaned back so that she completely missed.

"You good now?" Naruto asked as noticed tear drops hitting the ground.

"Why!? Why did you kill Sasuke-kun!?" Karin yelled in Naruto's face.

"You want to know why I killed that bastard?" Naruto asked just as upset as her.

"YES!" Karin yelled as she struggled against Naruto's grasp.

"I'll tell you if you calm the fuck down, and don't try to kill me." Naruto said as he started to loosen his grip.

Karin thought for a minute before she took a deep breath and nodded. Naruto let Karin go, and started his explanation.

"You probably don't know what Sasuke planned to do," Naruto said as he took a deep breath. "He planned to kill all the Kage, the bijuu, and me."

"Why would he do that?" Suigetsu asked as he walked up next to Karin.

"Yes that doesn't make sense, Sasuke had given up on his revenge before we arrived on the battlefield." Jugo said as he stood on the other side of Karin.

"Sasuke believed that the Kage and the bijuu were the cause of all the wars and violence between the elemental nations. He wanted to destroy and rebuild." Naruto explained causing Jugo and Suigetsu to go wide eyed. Karin however wasn't swayed and was still extremely upset.

"Then why couldn't you just talk him out of it?" Karin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't you think we tried," Naruto said in an annoyed tone. "But the stupid teme wouldn't listen."

Naruto took a deep breath to calm himself before he explained the next part.

"However the main reason I had to kill Sasuke was," Naruto paused and clenched his fists. "Because he killed Sakura."

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