Chapter 17: Tension in the Sand

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(3 Days Later Just Outside Suna)

Naruto's group had set up camp in a small cave about a half days travel from Suna. They were making good time, hopefully they could be in Suna by around midday. Currently Naruto was staring into the dying flames of the campfire, while the rest of the group slept. Naruto was in deep thought as he gazed into the flickering flames. He was roused from his thoughts when he heard someone speak behind him.

"You're still up?"

Naruto turned his head to see Sakura standing behind him. She stifled a yawn as she walked over to him, her pink hair in a mess as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. When she reached Naruto she quietly sat next to him and stared into the fire as well. They sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Sakura spoke up.

"So why are you still up?"

"I was just thinking."

"HA! You thinking, yeah right." Sakura said earning a childish pout from Naruto. She slapped him on the arm playfully, and giggled when she saw his face. "I was just kidding. So what were you thinking about?"

"I was just thinking about how much my life has changed in the past few months. I mean I'm on a mission that is gonna help me with my Hokage training, I've been put in the CRA and I've got seven amazing girlfriends that can hopefully be my wives one day, and I'm gonna be a father in less than a year." Naruto said as he continued to stare into the flames. "Sometimes I wonder if this all just a dream or something."

Sakura rested her head against Naruto's shoulder and gripped his arm.

"Well Naruto Uzumaki this isn't a dream. You are on your way to becoming Hokage, you do have seven beautiful girlfriends, you are gonna be a father, and I love you so much." Sakura said causing a smile to spread across Naruto's face.

"I love you too Sakura-chan. I love all you girls."

"I know Naruto, all of us know." Sakura said as she gripped Naruto's arm a little tighter.

Comfortable silence washed over them again. But this was broken when Naruto felt Sakura lightly push away from him. He turned to see her biting her lip in nervousness.

"Sakura-chan what's up?" Naruto asked worry evident in his voice.

"Now's the perfect time to tell him, so do it," Inner Sakura said to her outer self.

"N-Naruto I have something I've been meaning to say to you."

"What is it Sakura-chan?"

Sakura took a deep breath and gazed into Naruto's blue eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." Sakura said earning a confused look from Naruto.

"What are you sorry for Sakura-chan?"

"For everything!" Sakura said as tears started to form in her eyes. "For hitting you, for yelling at you, for ignoring you all those years, and for being an ignorant bitch."

Sakura then wrapped her arms around Naruto and cried into his shoulder.

"Please forgive me Naruto." She said in between sobs.

Naruto wrapped his arms around Sakura and held her close.

"Sakura-chan you don't get it do you?" Naruto asked in a soothing voice.

"W-What?" Sakura asked trying to wipe away her tears.

"You hit me, because you cared about me."

Sakura's eyes widened when she heard this. She felt Naruto grasp her hands with his own.

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