Chapter 24: Pleasuring the Mizukage

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(6 Days Later; 3:00 p.m. Forest Near Kirigakure)

"Damn it." Sakura breathed out, green healing chakra dissipating from her hands. "I still can't find what's wrong with you Naruto. But I think I've narrowed down what this thing could be."

"What do you think it is Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, causing Sakura to release a sigh.

"It's either a type of infection, or some new type of poison I've never seen before." Sakura answered, as she furrowed her brow. "Hopefully Tsunade-shishou can help us when we get back home, but until then you'll just have to take it easy."

"This fucking sucks!" Naruto whined, earning him a slap upside the head from Ino.

"Stop whining like a little baby!" Ino chastised, a tic mark on her forehead.

"S-Sorry Ino-chan." Naruto apologized, rubbing the back of his head. "It's just annoying that I can't train, or do anything too strenuous. Looks like she's getting mood swings now too." Naruto said the last part under his breath.

"What was that?!" Ino yelled, her blue eyes full of anger.

"No-Nothing dear!" Naruto exclaimed, flinching away from the angry blonde.

"Just be patient Naruto. We'll figure something out once we get back to Konoha." Konan said with a small smile.

"Thanks Konan-chan." Naruto said, placing a kiss on Konan's cheek. "Well everyone we better get going."

"Finally!" Anko exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air. "It was boring as hell sitting around, and waiting for pinkie to finish examining the gaki."

"Anko..." Sakura hissed, as she grabbed the purple-haired woman's shoulder. "Do I need to punish you?"

"Mmm, maybe you do mistress." Anko cooed, leaning closer to Sakura. "I've been such a naughty girl lately."

"Just keep quite." Sakura said, as her entire face burned red.

"Hai mistress." Anko said, winking at Sakura.

"What the hell is going on between them?" Tenten whispered to Temari.

"I can take a pretty good guess." Temari answered, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Behind them Ryuuzetsu chuckled in amusement, while Hinata's face was stained pink.

After everyone was packed, the group continued their journey to Kirigakure. Naruto's team was fairly close to Kiri, so after about 2 hours the village came into view. As the group neared, the village's name rang true. A thin mist had filled the area, and it seemed to thicken as the team neared the gates. However several buildings could be seen towering over the mist.

"Have any of you actually been to Kiri before?" Sai asked the rest of the group.

"Nope, this is my first time here." Naruto answered, placing his hands behind his head. "I do know a couple of shinobi from this village though." An image of Zabuza, Haku, and Suigetsu popped into Naruto's head.

"I've been to this village a few times on diplomatic missions for Suna." Temari said, as she stared at the village before here. "This place is still as depressing as ever."

"I was here once, scouting for the Akatsuki." Konan said, as she got a sad look in her eyes. But Konan looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Naruto smiling at her.

"That part of your life is behind you Konan-chan. I know you didn't really want to do the things you did, so try to forget the past and look towards the future." Naruto said, pulling Konan closer. "You're a kind and caring woman Konan-chan, don't you ever forget that."

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