Chapter 22: Naruto's Condition

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(3 Days Later En Route to Takigakure)

Three days after their detour to Oni no Kuni, Naruto's group found themselves on the path to Takigakure. It was along this path, that the group decided to stop and have a break in a clearing slightly off the beaten path. Everyone set down their packs, and picked a spot to sit and rest.

"Man it feels good to sit down and relax." Tenten said with a content sigh, as leaned against a tree and sunk to the ground. "We've been walking for hours."

"You can say that again, my feet are killing me." Ino groaned out, as she rubbed her soar feet.

"Well, well looks like you're finally starting to show." Tenten said with a smile, as she looked at Ino's slightly swelling stomach. "You can still barely notice mine."

"Oh give it some more time, and you'll start to show." Ino reassured Tenten with a warm smile. Then a smirk spread across Ino's face, as she turned her head to look at Sakura. The pink-haired medic had just sat down, and was closing her eyes to try and catch a little sleep. "I mean look at Forehead and Hinata. They're both starting to swell up like balloons." Ino teased just loud enough so Sakura could hear.

"Watch it Ino-pig!" Sakura hissed, as she opened one eye to look at Ino. "Or I'll come over there and pummel you."

"Sure I'd like to see you try that Forehead." Ino shot back with a smirk, as she waved Sakura off dismissively.

"That's it!" Sakura exclaimed, as a vein bulged on her head. "When we're done with our pregnancies I want a rematch!"

"I'll fight you anytime Forehead, just name the time and place." Ino said with a grin. "You better get ready Sakura, because I'm not gonna go easy on you."

"You wouldn't be my rival if you went easy on me, Pig" Sakura said, as she placed a hand on her bicep and flexed slightly. "I'm not gonna hold back either."

Both girls glared at each other intensely for a few moments, but they both suddenly burst out laughing. However after a few moments Sakura stopped laughing, and put on a serious face.

"I wasn't joking Ino." Sakura said in a serious tone. "I want to have a rematch with you."

"I wasn't joking either Sakura." Ino said with a wolfish smirk. "Name the time and place, and I'll gladly fight you."

Naruto watched Sakura and Ino banter with a sad smile on his face. The two girls reminded him of how Sasuke and he used to act. Naruto sighed, and looked up into the clear blue sky.

"You stupid teme, why did things have to turn out this way? I'm sorry I had to kill you, but you gave me no choice. You were like a brother to me, but you betrayed me and Sakura-chan. I really wish things could have turned out differently between us." Naruto thought, as he closed his eyes and rested his head against the tree. But the blonde jinchuriki was interrupted when a voice spoke up next to him.

"You were thinking about Sasuke, weren't you?"

Naruto sighed and opened his eyes. He quickly spotted Sai standing next to him. The dark-haired man looked down at Naruto with a blank look on his face.

"Yeah I was thinking about Sasuke." Naruto replied, as he ran his hands through his blonde hair. "I was just thinking about how things could have turned out differently."

"I understand, but you shouldn't dwell on the past. You did the right thing, Sasuke needed to be stopped." Sai said, earning another sigh from Naruto.

"You know for a guy who isn't very good with his emotions, you sure know how to read people." Naruto said, causing Sai to smile.

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