Chapter 30: Epilogue: Some Things Never Change

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(Hokage Tower: Ten Years Later)

"As I've stated in my previous reports, I'd Konoha and Suna's support in establishing new trade routes with..."

Naruto was trying his best to pay attention and focus on what Chōjūrō was saying, but he simply couldn't keep his mind on task. Covertly suppressing a yawn, Naruto leaned back in his chair and rested his hands behind his head. The blonde Hokage was much more focused on imagining what he'd be having for dinner, than any of the boring jargon that Chōjūrō was spouting.

"Kami, why does Shikamaru force me to go to these stupid things?" Naruto thought, lazily glancing at the clock on the wall across the room. Inwardly groaning when he saw what time it was, Naruto turned his attention to his fellow Kage. Darui sat on the other side of the table and appeared to be intently listening to Chōjūrō, occasionally nodding his head and agreeing with Chōjūrō. However, Naruto could tell that Darui was bored out of his mind, if the dull look in his eyes and and rapid tapping of his foot were any indication. Naruto and Darui briefly locked eyes, both Kage expressing the boredom that they shared without words. Next Naruto glanced at Gaara, his fellow jinchuriki sitting right next to him. If Darui looked bored, Gaara looked as if he was about to fall asleep. The Kazekage's eyelids were starting to droop as he fought to stay awake. Naruto knew exactly why Gaara was so exhausted and he chuckled lightly when he remembered his son, Amanokaze, keeping his uncle Gaara up late into the night, telling the boy story after story until he eventually fell asleep. Amanokaze really looked up to his uncle, so Naruto was happy that Gaara frequently made time to visit and spend time with his nephew. Giving Gaara a quick pat on the back to help wake him up, Naruto turned his attention to the final Kage at the meeting. Kurotsuchi had taken over as Tsuchikage seven years earlier, shortly after her grandfather had finally decided to step down, albeit very reluctantly. The dark-haired Kage was currently focusing on something other than their meeting. Her eyebrows wriggled playfully as she stared at Naruto, biting her bottom lip. It had been quite a while since Naruto had been 'intimate' with Kurotsuchi and he could tell that she was starting to get a little antsy. After Kurotsuchi had taken over as Tsuchikage, she was true to her word and frequently visited Konoha on missions of 'good faith,' although those missions usually ended with Kurotsuchi on all fours as Naruto pounded into her. But lately the workload had drastically picked up and Kurotsuchi had to cut back on her trips to Konoha. It had been almost three months since her last visit, so Kurotsuchi was more than eager to get some alone time with the blonde Hokage. Kurotsuchi had already jumped Naruto in the hallway, shoving him into a supply closet as she roughly slammed her lips against his. She was frantically attempting to get his belt and pants off, but Naruto had quickly stopped her. He wanted some private time with her as well, but it would have to wait until later. Although a little disappointed, Kurotsuchi accepted this and promised to meet Naruto at his home later that night. Naruto grinned at Kurotsuchi, blowing her a quick kiss.

"Ahem!" Chōjūrō exclaimed, coughing into his fist. Naruto stiffened when he saw Chōjūrō's annoyed glare. "If you're done fooling around Naruto, I'd like to continue this meeting without anymore interruptions."

"*Sigh* Don't even bother Chōjūrō." Shikamaru said in a bored tone, as he lazily leaned back in his seat. "That isn't even the real Naruto."

"What are you talking about, Shikamaru?" Chōjūrō asked, quirking his eyebrow in confusion.

"That's just a Kage Bunshin." Shikamaru explained, which caused everyone to turn their attention to the blonde Hokage. "Naruto probably switched places just before the meeting started."

"Ha ha! You're such a kidder Shikamaru!" Naruto laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "I would never do something irresponsible like that."

"You did it five times last week." Shikamaru said in a deadpanned tone, as his shadow began to slowly extend towards Naruto's. "One of the time you actually did it twice in one day."

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