Chapter 16: The Journey Begins

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(Hokage Tower)

While Naruto was teleporting around the village to prepare for his mission, Kakashi was still in with office with his two teammates and two Uchiha. Currently Obito was sulking in a chair across from Kakashi, while Rin was trying to sooth him.

"I still can't believe that YOU"RE Hokage," Obito said as anime tears fell from his eyes. "Why did Naruto have to bring me back to life."

Kakashi sweatdropped as he watched his friend whining like a child.

"Wow he really changed in a short amount of time. It's like he's back to his old self."

"Obito what happened to you? It seems like you're back to your old self." Kakashi asked causing Obito to perk up.

Obito smiled and pulled Rin onto his lap.

"It's all thanks to this beautiful woman," Obito said as he kissed Rin on the cheek causing her to blush. "Once I was reunited with her I was happy beyond belief, especially when she told me that she loved me."

Rin playfully smacked Obito's arm as her face burned red.

"Obito-kun be quiet you're embarrassing me."

"What I can't brag about my beautiful girlfriend?" Obito said with a grin.

Kakashi watched his two teammates with an eye smile. They reminded him of Naruto and Sakura, but watching them also made Kakashi realize he didn't have a special woman in his life.

"Kami I need to get a girlfriend." Kakashi thought as he sighed and stood up. He walked over to his teammates who were still arguing, but neither of them seemed angry. Again this reminded him Naruto and Sakura. How they always used to argue over stupid little things like an old married couple. But they were never really mad at each other, and they'd make up a few minutes later.

"Obito you know this puts me in a precarious situation." Kakashi said as he stood in front of his teammates.

"Huh, what do you mean?"Obito asked as he let Rin out of his lap.

"Well the other villages aren't exactly going to take you being alive very well." Kakashi said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He could already hear the Raikage and the Tsuchikage yelling at him. He knew Gaara and the Mizukage would be more understanding, but the other two were stubborn bastards and would be hard to convince.

"So what do you suggest we do, Kakashi-kun" Rin said with a worried look on her face.

"Well I'm sorry to say this, but there's no way we can let you be a shinobi again, Obito. I'll have to seal off your chakra, so you won't be able to use any jutsus or use your sharingan," Kakashi said making Obito's head drop. Then Kakashi turned to face Rin. "Rin if you want to I can re-enlist you into our forces, or I can find you a position in the hospital."

"I don't think I want to be a shinobi anymore. I want to be able to spend time with Obito-kun. So I'll take a job at the hospital," Rin said with a smile.

"Okay I'll inform Tsunade-sama, and have her find you a position. You also may want her to give you a quick refresher, because medical ninjutsu has advanced greatly since you've been umm gone." Kakashi said trying to shy away the subject of Rin dying.

"Arigato Kakashi-kun, but do you think sealing his chakra away will be enough to help Obito?" Rin asked as she shot a glance at Obito. His eyes were on the floor, and it looked as if he were thinking about something.

"I don't know, but it most likely won't be. But I believe Naruto will convince the other village leaders. That boy has an amazing way with words sometimes, and he can sway even the most stubborn man to his side." Kakashi said making Rin perk up.

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